Film Reviews

7320 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 26/09/2024. 786 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Obey by Jamie Jones


Jamie Jones’ debut feature, screening in the International Narrative Competition at Tribeca, has the 2011 London riots as a backdrop  



The Objects of Love by Adrian Silvestre


After scooping the FIPRESCI Prize in Resistencias at Seville, Adrián Silvestre’s debut film is touring various festivals, revealing the tough everyday lives of a pair of tenacious emigrants in Rome  

Los objetos amorosos

Los objetos amorosos

Oblivion Verses by Alireza Khatami


VENICE 2017: In his first feature, selected for Venice's Orizzonti, Iranian director Alireza Khatami proves that there is life to magic realism that extends far beyond Latin America  

Les versets de l'oubli

Les versets de l'oubli

Obscure Night - Goodbye Here, Anywhere by Sylvain George


Sylvain George sets his gaze on a group of young migrants on the border between the African continent and Europe, shining a light on a daily existence rife with persistence, hope and painful utopias  

Nuit obscure – au revoir ici, n’importe où

Nuit obscure – au revoir ici, n’importe où

Observing by Janez Burger


Janez Burger mixes the horror of the real world with a genre-infused approach in order to raise questions of ethics and culpability  



Occidental by Neïl Beloufa


TORONTO 2017: The sophomore fiction feature by French artist Neïl Beloufa is a stylised critique of the fears and prejudices promoted by the so-called progressive “Western world”  



Occupation by Michal Nohejl


In the wake of the Warsaw Pact invasion, a group of Prague theatre people having a post-performance booze session get a menacing visit from a Russian soldier, in Michal Nohejl’s debut  



Occupied Cinema by Senka Domanovic


In her debut feature-length documentary, Senka Domanović tells an insider’s story of a cinema occupation and a failed revolution  

Okupirani bioskop

Okupirani bioskop

Occupied City by Steve McQueen


CANNES 2023: Steve McQueen surveils his adopted home city of Amsterdam over the last years of pandemic and protest, and finds remnants of its wartime experience lying in wait  

Occupied City

Occupied City

Occupy the Pool by Kim Seob Boninsegni


With Occupy the Pool French-Swiss artist Kim Seob Boninsegni (who was born in Seul) brings us a sincere portrait of generation Y  

Occupy the Pool

Occupy the Pool

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