Film Reviews

7319 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 25/09/2024. 785 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Il gabbiano più inutile del mondo by Giuseppe Lanno


In his new documentary, Giuseppe Lanno meets Sicilian painter Igor Scalisi Palminteri and engages in a lengthy discussion on life, art and freedom  

Il gabbiano più inutile del mondo

Il gabbiano più inutile del mondo

Gabbla by Tariq Teguia


Gabriel and the Mountain by Fellipe Barbosa


CANNES 2017: With the existentialist journey through Africa of a young Brazilian researcher, the very talented Fellipe Gamarano Barbosa delivers a remarkable work of fiction  

Gabriel e a montanha

Gabriel e a montanha

Gabrielle by Patrice Chéreau


Gagarin by Fanny Liatard, Jérémy Trouilh


CANNES 2020: Fanny Liatard and Jérémy Trouilh successfully and skillfully reinvent the social realist drama by tinting it with space-themed onirism and an epic dimension of resistance  



Galileo's Thermometer by Teresa Villaverde


Portuguese director Teresa Villaverde screens an experimental film, dedicated to the Italian filmmaker Tonino De Bernardi, at International Film Festival Rotterdam  

O Termómetro de Galileu

O Termómetro de Galileu

The Gambler by Ignas Jonynas


The first ever coproduction between Lithuania and Latvia may seem moralizing, but this drama with overtones of thriller is gripping and masterfully executed  



Game Girls by Alina Skrzeszewska


BERLIN 2018: Alina Skrzeszewska plunges into the miserable chaos of Skid Row, Los Angeles, in the wake of two women surviving in the “jungle”  

Game Girls

Game Girls

The Game by Ana Lazarevic


A fresh, and sometimes optimistic take on the global refugee crisis, from debuting Serbian-American filmmaker Ana Lazarevic  

The Game

The Game

Games People Play by Jenni Toivoniemi


In Jenni Toivoniemi’s rather lovely debut, screening at Göteborg, who needs enemies if you have friends?  

Games People Play

Games People Play

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