Film Reviews

7311 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 22/09/2024. 780 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.


That They May Face the Rising Sun by Pat Collins


Pat Collins’ gentle drama surveys a village community in the Irish countryside whose way of life is gradually disappearing  

That They May Face the Rising Sun

That They May Face the Rising Sun

That Time of Year by Paprika Steen


Denmark's Paprika Steen directs and stars in a very effective bittersweet family comedy on the universal theme of celebrating Christmas  

Den Tid På Året

Den Tid På Året

That Trip We Took with Dad by Anca Miruna Lăzărescu


Anca Miruna Lazarescu’s feature debut tells the story of a Romanian family caught up in the political turmoil of 1968  

Die Reise mit Vater

Die Reise mit Vater

That Was Life by David Martín de los Santos


David Martín de los Santos makes his fiction debut with a humble, emotional and intimate film whose subtle subject-matter is shored up by the acting abilities of the great Petra Martínez  

La vida era eso

La vida era eso

That Which Does Not Kill by Alexe Poukine


Alexe Poukine's formally rigorous documentary tackles the issue of rape in a subtly inventive manner and delves deeper into the topic than almost any recent film  

Sans frapper

Sans frapper

The 8th by Aideen Kane, Lucy Kennedy, Maeve O'Boyle


The documentary, directed by trio Maeve O’Boyle, Lucy Kennedy and Aideen Kane, focuses on the recent “Repeal the 8th” campaign in Ireland and opened this year’s Galway Film Fleadh  

The 8th

The 8th

The Accusation by Yvan Attal


VENICE 2021: Yvan Attal’s empathic take on an ambiguous rape case leaves few aspects untouched, with no monsters to be found  

Les Choses humaines

Les Choses humaines

The Adventures of Gigi the Law by Alessandro Comodin


This sensitive and at times surreal depiction of a rural policeman (the director’s own uncle) marks the mighty comeback of Alessandro Comodin  

Gigi la legge

Gigi la legge

The Banality of Grief by Jon Bang Carlsen


Part angry rant, part melancholic conversation with his late wife, this Jon Bang Carlsen oddity might not be his best, but it grows on you  

The Banality of Grief

The Banality of Grief

The Basics of Killing by Jan Cvitkovič


Slovenian filmmaker Jan Cvitkovič's fifth feature is one of his most cinematically conventional but also emotionally most powerful efforts  



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