Film Reviews

7316 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 25/09/2024. 785 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Homeland by Oleg Novkovic


Belgradian director Oleg Novković’s film, which was shown in competition at the Trieste Film Festival, is the second in a trilogy on the “lost generation” of the countries of former Yugoslavia  



Lina by Michael Schaerer


Swiss director Michael Schaerer’s film, which was given the Audience Award at the Solothurn Film Festival, throws light onto the ghosts of a not-so-glorious past  



The Wednesday Child by Lili Horvát


The debut piece by director and screenwriter Lili Horvát takes a delicate and elegant approach to reconstructing the journey to social redemption of a young Hungarian woman  

A szerdai gyerek

A szerdai gyerek

WiNWiN by Daniel Hoesl


In Daniel Hoesl's bitingly satirical sophomore feature, which is being screened at Rotterdam this year, “the only religion left is faith in money and even debt”  



The Swallow by Mano Khalil


Swiss director of Kurdish-Syrian origin Mano Khalil is in competition for the Prix de Soleure with his road movie, the story of a terrible family secret  

Die Schwalbe

Die Schwalbe

Esa sensación by Juan Cavestany, Julián Génisson, Pablo Hernando


Juan Cavestany, Julián Génisson and Pablo Hernando merge their unclassifiable perspectives in this uninhibited film following (surreal) intertwining stories, which is both entertaining and bizarre  

Esa sensación

Esa sensación

This Summer Feeling by Mikhaël Hers


After making a name for himself with Memory Lane, Mikhaël Hers is back with a second feature film that is existentialist, atmospheric, delicate and sensitive  

Ce sentiment de l'été

Ce sentiment de l'été

Swing it Kids by Fabian Kimoto


The second feature film by Fabian Kimoto, which is competing for the Audience Award at the Solothurn Film Festival, tells the story of the marvellous adventure of a group of extraordinary kids  

Swing it Kids

Swing it Kids

Pipeline by Gabriel Bonnefoy


The debut feature film of Genevan director Gabriel Bonnefoy, which was screened in the Panorama Suisse section of the Solothurn Film Festival, is a liberating journey in search of self  



Wie die anderen by Constantin Wulff


The latest documentary by Constantin Wulff, the director behind the captivating Ulrich Seidl und die Bösen Buben, is in the running for the Prix de Soleure  

Wie die anderen

Wie die anderen

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