Film Reviews

7081 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 765 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Huacho by Alejandro Fernández Almendras


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Niels Arden Oplev


A suspenseful investigation into Sweden’s shady past in a dark thriller, the first cinematic instalment of a literary trilogy that sold over 10m copies  

Män som hatar kvinnor

Män som hatar kvinnor

Another Man by Lionel Baier


Combining humour and mischievousness, Swiss director Lionel Baier’s third feature centres on an unscrupulous apprentice journalist initiated in the art of film criticism  

Un autre homme

Un autre homme

Helen by Christine Molloy, Joe Lawlor


A subtle, melancholy and elegiac debut feature, exploring the nature of identity, solitude and above all the quest for love in all its forms  



Complici del silenzio by Stefano Incerti


Freedom by Davide Ferrario


25 Carats by Patxi Amezcua


Two characters on the edge of the abyss, a man and a girl who risk their lives to the very end in a tense thriller written and directed by Spain’s Patxi Amézcua  

25 kilates

25 kilates

Chéri by Stephen Frears


The British director transforms a bitter tale on the passing of time and an impossible love that transcends power struggles in couples into a brilliant ensemble piece  



In the Electric Mist by Bertrand Tavernier


A captivating thriller by a European director who skilfully masters the conventions of the US detective film to create a subtle and brilliantly acted work  

Dans la brume électrique

Dans la brume électrique

The Country Teacher by Bohdan Sláma


With A Country Teacher, Czech auteur Bohdan Slama again presents his unique and challenging vision of a world in which happiness is not always what we expect  

Venkovský učitel

Venkovský učitel

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