Film Reviews

7077 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 766 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

The Most Precious of Cargoes by Michel Hazanavicius


CANNES 2024: Michel Hazanavicius delivers a jewel of animation, modest, poignant and profound, about the topic of the death camps always extremely delicate to represent  

La plus précieuse des marchandises

La plus précieuse des marchandises

Plastic Guns by Jean-Christophe Meurisse


CANNES 2024: Jean-Christophe Meurisse’s third feature is a farcical retelling of real-life events that leans heavily on macabre humour  

Les Pistolets en plastique

Les Pistolets en plastique

A Fireland by Mona Convert


CANNES 2024: It’s a pyrotechnics paradise in Mona Convert’s experimental feature debut, set amidst the Landes forest in Nouvelle-Aquitaine  

Un pays en flammes

Un pays en flammes

September Says by Ariane Labed


CANNES 2024: Ariane Labed adapts Daisy Johnson’s coming-of-age novel Sisters into one of the year’s finest directorial debuts  

September Says

September Says

To a Land Unknown by Mahdi Fleifel


CANNES 2024: Mahdi Fleifel’s second feature is a migrant drama steeped in empathy, boasting an uncompromising lead performance by Mahmood Bakri  

To a Land Unknown

To a Land Unknown

The Seed of the Sacred Fig by Mohammad Rasoulof


CANNES 2024: Iranian filmmaker Mohammad Rasoulof helms a remarkable political film about the feminist revolution in his country through the carefully scripted misadventures of a small family  

The Seed of the Sacred Fig

The Seed of the Sacred Fig

Fotogenico by Marcia Romano, Benoît Sabatier


CANNES 2024: Marcia Romano and Benoît Sabatier write and direct an eccentric comedy following a father retracing his late daughter’s life, only to discover it was all a lie  



To Live, To Die, To Live Again by Gaël Morel


CANNES 2024: Gaël Morel signs a simple, refined and touching melodrama, about a love triangle that sees its world turn upside down  

Vivre, mourir, renaître

Vivre, mourir, renaître

The Other Way Around by Jonás Trueba


CANNES 2024: Jonás Trueba makes another solid and watchable romantic film by zooming in on a couple celebrating their break-up with a divorce party  



Beating Hearts by Gilles Lellouche


CANNES 2024: Despite its energy, the step of the Cannes competition was way too high to reach for Gilles Lellouche with his very kitsch film of love and violence full of clichés  

L'Amour ouf

L'Amour ouf

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