Film Reviews

7311 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 22/09/2024. 780 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Rights-of-Man by Juan Rodrigáñez


Juan Rodrigáñez returns to the cast and format of his debut film with a second cinematographic adventure staked on liberty, improvisation and zany humour  

Derechos del hombre

Derechos del hombre

Giacinto Scelsi. The First Motion of the Immovable by Sebastiano d'Ayala Valva


The mystical title of Sebastiano d’Ayala Valva’s film is the right fit for its subject, a classical music composer who claimed his music came from Hindu deities  

Il primo moto dell'immobile

Il primo moto dell'immobile

Los Reyes by Bettina Perut, Iván Osnovikoff


This unusual documentary by Bettina Perut and Iván Osnovikoff focuses on two dogs in Santiago's oldest skate park  

Los Reyes

Los Reyes

Bad Poems by Gábor Reisz


The Hungarian filmmaker Gábor Reisz confirms his talent with a playful and engaging interconnecting film that weaves together the past and present  

Rossz versek

Rossz versek

Head Above Water by Margaux Bonhomme


On the difficult subject of a family living with disability, Margaux Bonhomme directs a realistic and successful first feature, thanks to the film’s acting performances  

Marche ou crève

Marche ou crève

El zoo by Gemma Blasco


Newcomer Gemma Blasco delivers a curve ball with this millennial theatrical drama, where moments of truth nestle among an anarchic interplay of reality and fiction  

El zoo

El zoo

Rafaël by Ben Sombogaart


Amsterdam-born director Ben Sombogaart’s latest feature is a confident piece of work that attempts to tackle the refugee crisis from a very European perspective  



Sakawa by Ben Asamoah


Ben Asamoah's first feature-length documentary reveals a whole industry revolving around internet dating site scams, from the perspective of the perpetrators in Ghana  



Cantares de una revolución by Ramón Lluís Bande


Asturian director Ramón Lluís Bande pays homage to the workers’ uprising of 1934 through the folk songs that commemorate this turbulent time, performed chiefly by Nacho Vegas  

Cantares de una revolución

Cantares de una revolución

Hungary 2018 by Eszter Hajdú


In her thrilling documentary, Eszter Hajdú tells the David and Goliath story of the 2018 Hungarian parliamentary elections  

Hungary 2018

Hungary 2018

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