Film Reviews

7077 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 766 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

La película de nuestra vida by Enrique Baró Ubach


Enrique Baró Ubach’s first film, presented in the New Waves section of the Seville European Film Festival, is an exercise in nostalgia that exudes love for the cinema and that playful summer spirit  

La película de nuestra vida

La película de nuestra vida

The Substance by Lluìs Galter


Original and clone blur into one in this second full-length feature from Lluís Galter, which centres around a Chinese tourist attraction created in the mirror image of a Spanish town  

La substància

La substància

Anna's Life by Nino Basilia


The hope of exile to America lies at the heart of the promising debut feature by Georgian director Nino Basilia. A highly realistic film that knows how to manage suspense  

Anas Ckhovreba

Anas Ckhovreba

Wrong Elements by Jonathan Littell


Writer Jonathan Littell directs his first film, a documentary about former child soldiers who fought with Ugandan guerrilla group LRA, which faces reality through their memories of the past  

Wrong Elements

Wrong Elements

Waldstille by Martijn Maria Smits


A blunt and unembellished film of great quality for Dutch director Martijn Maria Smits, with a great role for Belgian actor Ryckewaert  



Los mutantes by Gabriel Azorín


Gabriel Azorín brings us a black-and-white reflection on whether it is possible to learn the art of film, accompanying Madrilenian pupils as they study something that is elusive at best  

Los mutantes

Los mutantes

The Park by Damien Manivel


Young French director Damien Manivel whips up an intriguing and loosely-structured flight of cinematic fancy based on a pair of adolescents who come together only to find themselves falling out  

Le Parc

Le Parc

Sleeping Beauty by Ado Arrietta


Ado Arrietta, without relinquishing one ounce of his customary audacity, lyricism and emotion, plunges us into a modern-day fairytale world that will delight the inner child deep down in every viewer  

Belle Dormant

Belle Dormant

Welcome to Norway! by Rune Denstad Langlo


Norwegian director Rune Denstad Langlo brings us a smart, unassuming and tender comedy on tolerating and welcoming immigrants  

Welcome to Norway!

Welcome to Norway!

The Spy and the Poet by Toomas Hussar


Blurred identities and post-Cold War manipulation abound in this atmospheric and highly stylised film by Estonian director Toomas Hussar  

Luuraja ja luuletaja

Luuraja ja luuletaja

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