Film Reviews

7073 film reviews available in total starting from 04/09/2002. Last updated on 19/06/2024. 764 film reviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Blix Not Bombs by Greta Stocklassa


Greta Stocklassa’s sophomore effort explores the complexities of post-9/11 diplomacy, but ends up asking the wrong questions  

Blix Not Bombs

Blix Not Bombs

Total Trust by Jialing Zhang


Zhang Jialing's urgent new documentary tackles state surveillance in China to gripping, frightening and heartbreaking effect  

Total Trust

Total Trust

On the Edge by Nicolas Peduzzi


Nicolas Peduzzi returns with an intense documentary set in a Clichy hospital where a young psychiatrist takes care of complicated cases with rare patience and understanding  

État limite

État limite

The Fantastic Golem Affairs by Burnin' Percebes (Juan González & Nando Martínez)


The Burnin' Percebes achieve one of the great virtues of fiction, making a story believable and enjoyable beyond its real-life possibility  

El fantástico caso del Golem

El fantástico caso del Golem

Vintersaga by Carl Olsson


Carl Olsson’s documentary is a social kaleidoscope of modern-day Sweden shot through with Scandinavian laconism, showing that the way we act in front of the camera is now the same all over the world  



Roving Woman by Michal Chmielewski


Michał Chmielewski’s debut feature is a strong calling card about love, and shared loneliness in the California desert, executive-produced by Wim Wenders  

Roving Woman

Roving Woman

The Properties of Metals by Antonio Bigini


Telling of a child with paranormal faculties, Antonio Bigini's feature debut questions the “invisible forces” we have stopped believing in, with a poetic fragility that might disappoint the viewer  

Le proprietà dei metalli

Le proprietà dei metalli

After Work by Erik Gandini


Erik Gandini's new documentary is breezy and attractive, but feels like a late arrival that is distanced in addressing its timely topic  

After Work

After Work

Grand Expectations by Sylvain Desclous


Rebecca Marder lights up Sylvain Desclous’ tense thriller set in the antechamber of the highest political echelons, caught between the desire to change the world and the harshness of reality  

De grandes espérances

De grandes espérances

Sica by Carla Subirana


Carla Subirana creates a profound and moving fable whose truth is found in its magical yet real narrative  



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