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Europe / Latin America

Víctor Herreruela • Coordinator, Ibermedia

"Ibermedia Next is a historic opportunity to use innovative technologies in digital content”


- The Ibermedia Programme has launched its new initiative to support innovation and collaboration in the animation industry in Ibero-America

Víctor Herreruela  • Coordinator, Ibermedia

The Ibermedia Programme has launched its new Ibermedia Next initiative. Its coordinator, Víctor Herreruela, discusses it with us.

Cineuropa: What is the main mission of Ibermedia Next and how does it differ from other film funding initiatives in Latin America and Europe?
Víctor Herreruela:
For this call we have set ourselves the goal of promoting the creative and innovative sector in the Ibero-American region. Financial support will be provided to the selected projects and personalised consultancy, communication and promotion programmes will be designed to support and extend the scope of the selected projects in the medium term.

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We've also developed the Ibermedia Next Plaza application, a meeting point for creators, professionals, companies and production companies. This is the first time that the Ibermedia Programme has developed an application like this and it is one of the key differences between this and other initiatives. In fact, you will need to register on this free platform in order to apply.

Also, for the first time in the history of the Programme, formats produced for demonstration purposes will be accepted. Something that will undoubtedly encourage experimentation and which we trust will be a boost to the sector. As an initiative, Ibermedia Next represents a historic opportunity to use innovative technologies in digital content. The European NextGeneration Funds have been a great opportunity to boost this industry, helping to promote formats that have traditionally been left out of the classic lines of the Programme.

How is it determined which projects are eligible for Ibermedia Next funding? What are the main criteria taken into account during the selection process?
As indicated in the call’s terms and conditions, prototypes, teasers, pilots, short films, video clips or other formats, that are at least five minutes long and use new technological tools for animation and/or open source tools in their development, are eligible. The end result includes both traditional audiovisual content and Virtual Reality (VR), Extended Reality (XR) or Augmented Reality (AR).

The members of the Evaluation Committee, who we will be presenting to in the coming weeks, will study each project submitted in depth to analyse their specific needs and the best ways to promote them at international events.

Each selected project will receive up to €150,000 and the accompanying programme, which includes networking activities at key events in the sector, is valued at up to €95,000. The deadline for the call, which opened on 12 May, is 21 August. You can find all the details on the website.

What are the biggest challenges Ibermedia Next is currently facing? How does the organisation plan to address these challenges and continue to support film development in the Ibero-American region in the future?
If there is one thing that the Ibero-American region has historically stood out for, it is its talent. Its creators and professionals have the ability to develop projects in very complex dynamic environments. The greatest challenge for our initiative is to ensure its effectiveness, and to encourage adopting new technologies and innovative formulas in the creative processes, without losing sight of the cooperation between the Ibermedia Programme's member countries.

Ibermedia sees animation as a critical sector for the future of the Ibero-American audiovisual industry. This is precisely why the partnership with the main promoters and experts of the sector in the region has been key for Ibermedia Next: the Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards and The Ibero-American Animation League, that create the aforementioned Quirino Awards (Spain), Animation! Ventana Sur (Argentina) and the Pixelatl festival (Mexico).

As well as this call, the website will host a complete knowledge base, with tutorials and other formats, which will be made available to creators and professionals with no registration, subscription or payment required.

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(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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