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Anamaria Antoci • Producer, Tangaj Production

“Documentaries unfold unique stories”


- Interview with Anamaria Antoci, producer for Romanian company Tangaj Production and selected for the 2019 Emerging Producers programme

Anamaria Antoci • Producer, Tangaj Production

Interview with Anamaria Antoci, producer for Romanian company Tangaj Production and selected for the 2019 Emerging Producers programme.

Why do you produce documentaries? Do you understand documentary film as an instrument of social and political change?
Anamaria Antoci:
I consider that film in general has the potential power of social change. And it’s true that a documentary can be more straight forward in transmitting a message.

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I’ve stepped into the documentary world as it unfolds interesting and unique stories. But I can’t say I prefer documentaries over fiction films or vice versa. I produce both.

What qualities should a documentary producer have these days?
Same as until now, to have a thin nose for those extraordinary stories and characters. The difference comes from the fact that nowadays you need to pay more attention to the life of the film after the shooting is over.

What do you think is the future of distribution of documentary films?
I consider it’s something hard to predict in such a dynamic environment, but surely SVOD platforms and TV will play an important role.

What projects do you have under way (including in the area of fiction film and other projects)?
My current slate of projects is balanced between fiction and documentary projects, and I’m working both with new and established talent. On the documentary side I’m in post-production with a very personal story of debut director Andra Tarara, titled Us Against Ourselves, I’m working on a very challenging film by Andrei Ujică and I’m co-producing A Cautionary Tale, the new film by Ilinca Călugăreanu (director of Chuck Norris vs Communism [+see also:
film review
film profile
). In terms of fiction, I’m in development with a new project by Adrian Sitaru, Blindsight, and in financing with Men of Deeds [+see also:
film review
interview: Paul Negoescu
film profile
, directed by Paul Negoescu. As I’m interested in collaborations with emerging talents, I’m currently involved in two short films as well. 


Emerging Producers is a promotional and educational project, which brings together talented European documentary film producers. The programme is organised and curated by the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.

Deadline for applications to the Emerging Producers 2020 edition is 15 March, 2019. Click here.

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