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Carlo D’Ursi • President, Madrid Audiovisual Association

“Our lineup is a testament to our belief that talent knows no gender”


- The president of the organising body behind the Ventana CineMad International Co-production Forum and Laboratory discusses this year’s edition

Carlo D’Ursi  • President, Madrid Audiovisual Association

Aiming to promote the internationalisation of Madrid's audiovisual fabric, the ninth Ventana CineMad: International Co-production Forum and Laboratory, will take place on 2 and 3 November, in the Spanish capital. Carlo D’Ursi, president of the organising body Madrid Audiovisual Association (AMA), discusses the edition, for which 16 projects from Madrid have been selected to give pitches to professionals from the industry (read the news).

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Cineuropa: Could you please provide an overview of Ventana CineMad and its significance to the film industry in Spain? What makes it unique and valuable for filmmakers and producers?
Carlo D’Ursi:
Certainly. Ventana CineMad is one of Spain's premier film platforms, dedicated to showcasing the rich tapestry of Spanish cinema. Its significance lies in its commitment to promoting both established and emerging talents, providing them with a platform to reach a wider audience. What sets Ventana CineMad apart is its dedication to celebrating the diversity of Spanish cinema, from its rich history to its contemporary innovations. For filmmakers and producers, it's an invaluable opportunity to connect, collaborate, and showcase their work to both national and international audiences.

How has Ventana CineMad evolved and adapted to the changing landscape of the global industry, especially considering the impact of digital platforms?
Ventana CineMad has always been at the forefront of embracing change. As the global industry shifted, especially with the rise of digital platforms, we recognised the need to adapt. We've incorporated digital screenings, virtual panels, and online workshops, ensuring that we remain relevant and accessible. Our focus has always been on content and storytelling, and we believe that no matter the medium, a good story will always find its audience.

Can you share some success stories or notable outcomes that have resulted from Ventana CineMad?
Over the years, Ventana CineMad has been the launching pad for numerous films that have gone on to achieve both critical acclaim and commercial success. To name just a few: Lullaby [+see also:
film review
interview: Alauda Ruiz de Azúa
film profile
by Alauda Ruiz de Azúa, Piggy [+see also:
film review
interview: Carlota Pereda
film profile
by Carlota Pereda, Josefina [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Javier Marco Rico or That Was Life [+see also:
film review
interview: Damián París and Rosa Garcí…
interview: David Martín de los Santos
film profile
 by David Martín de los Santos. They started as small indie projects at Ventana CineMad then went on to win awards, and also were selected in international film festivals like Berlinale, Sundance, San Sebastián Film Festival or Tokyo International Film Festival. These are just a few examples of how Ventana CineMad has been instrumental in elevating Spanish cinema on the global stage.

Ten out of the 16 filmmakers selected are women. Is it just a coincidence or the result of a policy in favour of women?
The representation of women in our lineup is something we're incredibly proud of. While it might seem coincidental, it's actually a reflection of our commitment to ensuring diverse voices are heard. We believe in promoting talent regardless of gender, but we're also conscious of the historical underrepresentation of women in the industry. This year we also have a representation of trans artists which is very important for us. Our lineup is a testament to our belief that talent knows no gender, and we're dedicated to providing equal opportunities for all filmmakers.

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