
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7595 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 571 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.


"An ideal raised to the status of an absolute becomes inhuman"

Michael Haneke • Director

The Austrian director reveals to journalists certain aspects of his method, whilst maintaining, much like...  


Kristýna Michálek Květová • Producer, Cinémotif Films

“We aim to normalise the presence of mothers in the workforce”

Kristýna Michálek Květová • Producer, Cinémotif Films

The Czech Producer on the Move talks about the evolution of her film production strategies, having moved...  

07/05/2024 | Producers on the Move 2024

Alexis Michalik  • Director of Edmond

“A costume drama which revolves around the theatre, but which moves at a lively pace”

Alexis Michalik • Director of Edmond

Alexis Michalik takes his first feature film, Edmond, to the Rendez-Vous French Film Festival in Rome...  


Bernie Stampfer, Andrea Olsson, Ulrich Michel • Essential Legal Framework training series, Erich Pommer Institut

“We looked at the importance of drawing on insight and data to identify problems and design solutions that help you stay relevant in a changing market”

Bernie Stampfer, Andrea Olsson, Ulrich Michel • Essential Legal Framework training series, Erich Pommer Institut

Three experts from EPI’s international workshops reflect on the institute’s latest round of training...  

16/06/2022 | /Germany

Interview - 53° Thessaloniki International Film Festival

Sylvie Michel • Director • Our Little Differences

French director Sylvie Michel is living in Germany, where she wrote and directed Our Little Differences,...  

Thierry Michel  • Director of Empire of Silence

"We can’t just stand back and watch forever, without saying or doing anything"

Thierry Michel • Director of Empire of Silence

The director uses his documentary to look back on 25 years of war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,...  

19/01/2022 | /Belgium


Deborah Micheletti • Producer

Cineuropa interviews Spanish producer Deborah Micheletti, one of the participants in the Closing The Gap...  


Laurent Micheli  • Director of Lola

“Let minorities re-appropriate their stories”

Laurent Micheli • Director of Lola

We met up with Laurent Micheli to talk about his latest film, Lola vers la mer, shown this week at the...  

23/08/2019 | Angoulême 2019

"Incredibly moving and intense"

Geraldine Michelot • Producer

An ambitious screenplay, difficult subject matter and a young child at the centre of the film. Cineuropa...  


James Spinney, Peter Middleton • Directors

“We want to push the possibilities of accessible cinema”

James Spinney, Peter Middleton • Directors

As the industry searches for ways to increase attendance rates, James Spinney and Peter Middleton...  


MIDPOINT Feature Launch Script Consultancy @ KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days


MIDPOINT Feature Launch Script Consultancy @ KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days

We interviewed the professionals participating in the MIDPOINT Feature Launch Script Consultancy workshop...  

09/07/2019 | MIDPOINT 2019

MIDPOINT Feature Launch winners @ KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days


MIDPOINT Feature Launch winners @ KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days

At the KVIFF Eastern Promises Industry Days of the 54th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, we...  

08/07/2019 | MIDPOINT 2019

GoCritic! Interview: Tim Mielants  • Director of Patrick

"I used the five stages of grief as my structure: denial, anger, paranoia, depression and finally, acceptance"

GoCritic! Interview: Tim Mielants • Director of Patrick

GoCritic! chatted with the Belgian filmmaker whose first feature film world-premiered in Karlovy Vary...  

05/07/2019 | GoCritic! | Karlovy Vary 2019

Tim Mielants  • Director of Patrick

"I just like the juxtaposition between a big, romantic scope and this simple character"

Tim Mielants • Director of Patrick

Belgian filmmaker Tim Mielants presented his first feature, Patrick, in competition at Karlovy Vary, and...  

05/07/2019 | Karlovy Vary 2019 | Competition

Valerio Mieli • Director

"When you are in love, you remember things in a different way"

Valerio Mieli • Director

VENICE 2018: We met up with Valerio Mieli, who presents his second film, Ricordi?, in competition in the...  

06/09/2018 | Venice 2018 | Giornate degli Autori

Between fairy tale and realism

Valerio Mieli • Director

While most students at the National Film School in Rome choose to make a short for their graduation...  


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