
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7795 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 22/09/2024. 603 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Vuk Ršumović and Fereshteh Hosseini • Director of and actress in Dwelling Among the Gods

"What makes my lead character unique is her love, dedication and resolve to restore dignity to herself and her brother"

Vuk Ršumović and Fereshteh Hosseini • Director of and actress in Dwelling Among the Gods

The Serbian director discusses his second feature, in which he follows an Afghan family after having...  

27/08/2024 | Sarajevo 2024 | Competition

Estephan Wagner and Marianne Hougen-Moraga  • Directors of Songs of Repression

“The repetition of trauma can lead back to repression and the return of fascist structures”

Estephan Wagner and Marianne Hougen-Moraga • Directors of Songs of Repression

We talked to Estephan Wagner and Marianne Hougen-Moraga, the co-directors of Songs of Repression, which...  

03/04/2020 | CPH:DOX 2020

Laura Houlgatte  • CEO, International Union of Cinemas

“The cinema industry is constantly transforming its relationship with audiences”

Laura Houlgatte • CEO, International Union of Cinemas

At CineEurope 2018 in Barcelona, we chatted to Laura Houlgatte, the CEO of UNIC, about new trends, tools...  


Patrick Dechesne & Alain-Pascal Housiaux  • Directors


Patrick Dechesne & Alain-Pascal Housiaux • Directors

Cinergie met up with the duo Patrick Dechesne and Alain-Pascal Housiaux to speak about their first...  

The International Documentary Market

Vardan Hovhannisyan • Producer/Director & President, Bars Media, Yerevan, Armenia

Production and co-production of international documentaries from the point of view of a small production...  


Producers on the move 2012 - Norway

Brede Hovland • Motlys

"Once you enter this door you will never leave. And I am still there," explained Brede Hovland, who has so...  


Marek Hovorka  • Director, Ji.hlava IDFF

“Many of the films in the programme try to capture the authentic joy of life”

Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava IDFF

Director of the Ji.hlava IDFF Marek Hovorka talks to Cineuropa about this year’s edition, changes to the...  

26/10/2018 | Jihlava 2018

Marek Hovorka  • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

“We prioritise both personal perspectives and the unique storytelling approaches of our filmmakers”

Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

The festival director unpicks the selection process, the thematic focus on global concerns, innovative...  

24/10/2023 | Jihlava 2023

Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

“This year really shows the power of documentary filmmaking”

Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

The head honcho of Ji.hlava talks to Cineuropa about continuing with the hybrid festival, line-up...  

25/10/2022 | Jihlava 2022

Marek Hovorka  • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

“We are a big festival in a small town”

Marek Hovorka • Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

We talked to the festival director about the past, present and future of the Czech event, which is...  

29/10/2021 | Jihlava 2021

Marek Hovorka • Festival director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

“Central and Eastern European films are connected by political reflection much more than other movies are”

Marek Hovorka • Festival director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival

Director of the Ji.hlava IDFF Marek Hovorka talks to Cineuropa about the special digital edition, and how...  

27/10/2020 | Jihlava 2020

Marek Hovorka  • Festival director, Jihlava IDFF

“We try to be the voice of the region”

Marek Hovorka • Festival director, Jihlava IDFF

The director of the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Marek Hovorka, sat down with...  


Marek Hovorka  • Festival director, Jihlava IDFF

"A radical programme and new talents"

Marek Hovorka • Festival director, Jihlava IDFF

Marek Hovorka, festival director and head of programming at the Jihlava International Documentary Film...  


Max Howard  • Producer

“What a perfect way to establish what’s where, by having a cultural export from Kazakhstan and surprising the world”

Max Howard • Producer

At the Almaty Film Festival, we spoke to producer and studio executive Max Howard, who has worked for...  

18/09/2019 | Almaty 2019

Jan Hřebejk  • Director


Jan Hřebejk • Director

Cineuropa interviewed Czech filmmaker Jan Hřebejk at the 2016 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival...  


Mature vision

Jan Hrebejk • Director

Director Jan Hrebejk and screenwriter Petr Jarchovský discuss their new film Innocence and the secrets...  


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