
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7796 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 23/09/2024. 604 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.


The mechanics of violence

Kamel Dehane • Director


Paolo Del Brocco • CEO, RAI Cinema

“Innovation is our mission”

Paolo Del Brocco • CEO, RAI Cinema

We met with Paolo Del Brocco, the managing director of the production arm of Italy's RAI, to talk about...  


Paolo Del Brocco • Managing director, Rai Cinema

“The international success of a film lies in its visibility”

Paolo Del Brocco • Managing director, Rai Cinema

We spoke to Paolo Del Brocco, the managing director of Rai Cinema, which boasts seven films at the Cannes...  

08/05/2018 | Cannes 2018 | Market

Juan Miguel del Castillo  • Director


Juan Miguel del Castillo • Director

Cineuropa met up with Spanish director Juan Miguel del Castillo, whose Food and Shelter screens in Black...  


Juan Miguel del Castillo • Director of Unfinished Affairs

"Violence leaves its mark on you forever, it's a scar that never heals"

Juan Miguel del Castillo • Director of Unfinished Affairs

The Spanish filmmaker releases his second feature film, once again starring Natalia de Molina, an...  

13/05/2022 | /Spain/Argentina

Davide Del Degan  • Director of Paradise

“The lead character in my film is an accidental hero”

Davide Del Degan • Director of Paradise

We spoke with Davide Del Degan who has directed his first fiction film Paradise, due for imminent release...  

07/10/2020 | /Italy/Slovenia

Shooting Stars 2007 - Ireland

Padraic Delaney • Actor


Alix Delaporte  • Director of On the Pulse

“My characters are all vivants – full of joy, of energy, of passion”

Alix Delaporte • Director of On the Pulse

VENICE 2023: The French director homes in on an energetic editorial desk at a Paris television news...  

11/09/2023 | Venice 2023 | Out of Competition

Farhad Delaram  • Director of Achilles

“My film is a call for artists to engage more profoundly with real-world challenges”

Farhad Delaram • Director of Achilles

The independent Iranian filmmaker talks us through his storytelling inspirations, Iran's sociopolitical...  

27/09/2023 | San Sebastián 2023 | New Directors

Pippo Delbono • Director


Pippo Delbono • Director

VENICE 2016: Italian actor-director Pippo Delbono steps into a centre for refugees in Vangelo, a special...  



Denis Delcampe

Cannes 2009
Frédéric Delcor

Cannes 2009 Frédéric Delcor Center for Film and Audiovisual Arts - French Community of Belgium  


"Each year, a renewed miracle"

Frédéric Delcor - Director of the Belgian French Community Film and Audiovisual Centre

Frédéric Delcor, director of the Belgian French Community Film and Audiovisual Centre, on Belgian French...  


Bruno Delecour  • CEO, Filmo TV

"When you have to wait three years to broadcast a film on SVOD, there’s no way you’re going to pre-purchase it"

Bruno Delecour • CEO, Filmo TV

Bruno Delecour, CEO of French firm and Wild Bunch subsidiary Filmo TV, insists upon the relevance of his...  

07/04/2020 | France

"Appalled by injustice"

Benoît Delépine and
Gustave Kervern • Directors

Interview with a pair of iconoclastic filmmakers who humorously combine burning anarchy and cool...  


Alexis Delgado Búrdalo • Director of This Film Is About Me

"I never imagined I would be filming inside a prison"

Alexis Delgado Búrdalo • Director of This Film Is About Me

We spoke to Alexis Delgado Búrdalo, who is taking part in MiradasDoc with This Film Is About Me, a doc...  

07/02/2020 | MiradasDoc 2020

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