
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7797 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 24/09/2024. 605 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Lino Escalera • Director

“I wanted to explore the codes through which families communicate”

Lino Escalera • Director

Can't Say Goodbye is the first feature by Spanish filmmaker Lino Escalera. An intricate family drama, the...  


Nicolas Eschbach  • Exporter

"The appeal for us lies in diversity"

Nicolas Eschbach • Exporter

Together with Nicolas Eschbach, we give you an overview of Indie Sales’ very promising Cannes line-up and...  


Eduardo Escudero  • Distributor, A Contracorriente Films

“We should treat streamers as allies, not as enemies”

Eduardo Escudero • Distributor, A Contracorriente Films

We caught up with one of the founders of the Catalan outfit to zoom in on its complex business model and...  

30/11/2023 | /Spain

Eduardo Escudero  • Distributor, A Contracorriente Films

“When things get back to normal we will have to base our strategy on building trust”

Eduardo Escudero • Distributor, A Contracorriente Films

Cineuropa talked to A Contracorriente Films' Eduardo Escudero about its catalogue, the situation of the...  

22/04/2020 | Spain

Emad Z Eskander  • Head, Red Sea Fund

“We have so much to offer, and this is just the beginning – not even the first page, but the contents page”

Emad Z Eskander • Head, Red Sea Fund

The filmmaker and fund head discusses the projects supported so far and why it’s worth working with the...  

06/12/2023 | Red Sea 2023 | Red Sea Souk

Severin Eskeland • Director

"I like scaring myself"

Severin Eskeland • Director

Cineuropa met with Norwegian director Severin Eskeland to talk about his second feature film, Lust, which...  


Tomas Eskilsson • Author of Public Film Funding at a Crossroads

“Over time, more public film financiers have developed a more complex and perhaps more nuanced approach to global streaming services”

Tomas Eskilsson • Author of Public Film Funding at a Crossroads

The film producer answered a few questions about his report on public financing, recently published by...  

24/03/2022 | /Sweden/Europe

Ardalan Esmaili • Actor

"Hopefully I will be respected more as an actor and not just a 'terrorist' actor!"

Ardalan Esmaili • Actor

BERLIN 2019: We sat down with Swedish actor Ardalan Esmaili, selected for the 2019 Shooting Stars  

18/02/2019 | European Shooting Stars 2019

Pelin Esmer  • Director


Pelin Esmer • Director

We met up with Turkish director Pelin Esmer to discuss her new film Something Useful, presented in...  


Telmo Esnal  • Director

“We wanted to turn tradition on its head”

Telmo Esnal • Director

SAN SEBASTIÁN 2018: Basque director Telmo Esnal presents Dantza, the winning film at last year’s inaugural...  

25/09/2018 | San Sebastián 2018 | Special Presentations

Telmo Esnal • Director of URtzen

“You can’t stick a label on this film with a single adjective”

Telmo Esnal • Director of URtzen

The Basque filmmaker talks about his latest documentary, presented with Greenpeace’s Lurra Award at San...  

22/04/2021 | /Spain

Anthony Rey and Julie Esparbes  • Producers, Hélicotronc

"The desire to produce should prevail over necessity"

Anthony Rey and Julie Esparbes • Producers, Hélicotronc

Belgium's Hélicotronc celebrates its 15th anniversary this year, and Cineuropa took the opportunity to...  


Julie Esparbes • Producer, Hélicotronc

"It’s really exciting to see real freedom in films in terms of their content, but also in how they’re made"

Julie Esparbes • Producer, Hélicotronc

The Belgian Producers on the Move representative spoke to us about the kind of films she chooses and her...  

08/05/2023 | Producers on the Move 2023

The energy of despair

Daniel Espinosa • Director


Giovanni Esposito  • Member of the board of directors, AIR3 Associazione Italiana 
 - Registi

“With this new initiative, we offer collaboration with foreign productions in Italy”

Giovanni Esposito • Member of the board of directors, AIR3 Associazione Italiana Registi

The directors' network, together with the Italian Film Commissions, offers the possibility of hiring an...  

13/10/2023 | MIA 2023

Estrella Alejandra Araiza Briseño | •  CEO & General Management Guadalajara Film Festival

“It is all about the audience and all about the strategy”

Estrella Alejandra Araiza Briseño | • CEO & General Management Guadalajara Film Festival

Estrella Alejandra Araiza Briseno explains how the Guadalajara Film Festival builds activities around the...  

26/06/2023 | Euro Film Fest

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