
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7795 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 22/09/2024. 603 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Justus Riesenkampff  • Distributor

"It’s not our expectation, but rather our buyers’ expectation, that counts"

Justus Riesenkampff • Distributor

At the Série Series festival, distributor Justus Riesenkampff discussed Beta Film's strategy when it comes...  


Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck • Directors of Eternal You

“Artificial intelligence is an entity you can project so much onto that it sometimes becomes kind of godlike”

Hans Block, Moritz Riesewieck • Directors of Eternal You

We chatted to the German directors about their cinematic exploration of the newest artificial intelligence...  

29/01/2024 | Sundance 2024 | World Cinema Documentary Competition

Simon Rieth • Director of Summer Scars

“Power and fantasy are metaphors for the very strong relationship between love and hate”

Simon Rieth • Director of Summer Scars

CANNES 2022: The young French filmmaker talks to us about his first feature film, which skillfully blends...  

24/05/2022 | Cannes 2022 | Critics’ Week

Dita Rietuma  • Head, National Film Centre of Latvia

“In 2018, we broke all of our admissions records and we produced the highest number of films ever”

Dita Rietuma • Head, National Film Centre of Latvia

We had a chat with Dita Rietuma, the head of the National Film Centre of Latvia, whose speech opened the...  

22/10/2019 | Magnetic Latvia 2019

Xavier Rigault  • Producer

"A threat to the French film industry"

Xavier Rigault • Producer

Xavier Rigault, co-president of the UPC (Union des Producteurs de Cinéma), gives his opinion on the debate...  


Fabien Riggall  • Creative director, Secret Cinema

“Films are being released and the cinemas are empty”

Fabien Riggall • Creative director, Secret Cinema

Founder and creative director of Secret Cinema Fabien Riggall announces its move into production as the...  


Marco Righi  • Director of Where the Wind Blows

“I was interested in the faith element of man’s earthly experience”

Marco Righi • Director of Where the Wind Blows

The Italian director spoke to us about his approach towards his second feature film, which is a religious...  

07/07/2023 | Karlovy Vary 2023 | Competition

Oliver Rihs  • Director of Caged Birds

"We tell the story of these two opposite characters and their dream of freedom"

Oliver Rihs • Director of Caged Birds

Swiss filmmaker Oliver Rihs talks to us about his latest feature film, Caged Birds, which was screened in...  

01/12/2020 | Black Nights 2020 | Competition

Interview - 10 European Directors To Watch

Anne Grethe Bjarup Riis • Directora

The multifaceted director of This Life explains the artistic and political choices she made in her film  

“What counts is your state of mind”

Ricky Rijneke • Director

The 32-year-old Dutch director presented his feature debut Silent Ones, selected in competition and being...  


Carl Rijsbrack • CMO, Cinionic

“We are seeing exhibitors worldwide embrace laser projection to create unparalleled cinemagoing experiences”

Carl Rijsbrack • CMO, Cinionic

During our chat, we delved into the reasons for the present and future success of laser projection, and...  

30/03/2022 | /Belgium

Eran Riklis  • Director

"Middle Eastern cinema should become awareness-raising cinema, like European cinema is"

Eran Riklis • Director

The Israeli director screens Dancing Arabs in Locarno, a ‘comedy drama’ view of the Israeli-Palestinian...  


Nicolás Rincón Gille  • Director

"Colombia has a lot to say in cinema"

Nicolás Rincón Gille • Director met up with Belgian-Colombian director Nicolás Rincón Gille, who participated in the...  


Producers on the Move 2011 - Germany

Gian-Piero Ringel • Neue Road Movies

Gian-Piero Ringel has been working for Wim Wenders' Neue Road Movies for four years, as producer on his...  


Jessica Sarah Rinland • Director of Collective Monologue

“A collective monologue can exist between humans and animals or between workers and institutions”

Jessica Sarah Rinland • Director of Collective Monologue

The Argentinean-British director talks about her interest in ecology and museum conservation, her...  

19/08/2024 | Locarno 2024 | Cineasti del Presente

Shooting Stars 2010 - Italy

Michele Riondino - actor

Ten Winters' star Michele Rondino talks about his experience working with director Valerio Mieli  

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