
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7595 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 21/06/2024. 570 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Evelyne Gebhardt • Vice-President of the European Parliament


Evelyne Gebhardt • Vice-President of the European Parliament

KARLOVY VARY 2018: We have interviewed Evelyne Gebhardt, Vice-President of the European Parliament, in...  

06/07/2018 | Karlovy Vary 2018 | LUX Prize 2018

Evelyne Gebhardt • Vice-President of the European Parliament


Evelyne Gebhardt • Vice-President of the European Parliament

CANNES 2018: We have interviewed Evelyne Gebhardt, Vice-President of the European Parliament, in charge of...  

29/05/2018 | Cannes 2018 | Industry

Giordano Gederlini • Director of On The Edge

"Just like in tragedies, violence is forced upon my characters"

Giordano Gederlini • Director of On The Edge

We met with the screenwriter and director to talk about his angst-inducing crime film set in a...  

28/06/2022 | BRIFF 2022

Ladj Ly and Giordano Gederlini • Director and screenwriters of Les Indésirables

"Building 5 is the tower I grew up in, but we were subsequently evicted"

Ladj Ly and Giordano Gederlini • Director and screenwriters of Les Indésirables

The French filmmaker explains the genesis of his follow-up to Les Misérables, which revolves around a...  

05/12/2023 | /France

Grant Gee  • Director


Grant Gee • Director

VENICE 2015: With Innocence of Memories, special event in the Venice Days, the British director Grant Gee...  


Tom Geens  • Director


Tom Geens • Director

As part of the Les Cinéastes invitent... L'ami européen initiative, Toute l'Europe and Cineuropa sat down...  


Michael Geidel  • Producer, Miriquidi Film


Michael Geidel • Producer, Miriquidi Film

CANNES NEXT: We met up with Michael Geidel, producer at German film and VR production company Miriquidi Film  


Shooting Stars 2004 - Czech Republic

Ana Geislerova - actress

Czech actress is at the Shooting Star 2004 in Berlin to present her film Želary, by Czech director Ondřej...  

Levan Gelbakhiani • Actor

"I put my life in danger for accepting the role in And Then We Danced"

Levan Gelbakhiani • Actor

BERLINALE 2020: Georgian actor Levan Gelbakhiani, one of the 2020 Shooting Stars, talks to us about his...  

28/02/2020 | European Shooting Stars 2020

Anne-Marie Gélinas  • Producer

“It is not more difficult to work in America than in Europe”

Anne-Marie Gélinas • Producer

Canadian producer Anne-Marie Gélinas discussed her forays into producing genre film as she presented her...  


Nicolangelo Gelormini • Director of Fortuna – The Girl and the Giants

“My aim was for viewers to feel the same sense of discomfort, bewilderment and uncertainty as the protagonist”

Nicolangelo Gelormini • Director of Fortuna – The Girl and the Giants

The Neapolitan director discusses the approach he took towards his debut film which recounts a terrible...  

28/05/2021 | /Italy

Producer on the move 2008 - Latvia

Alise Gelze


Alise Ģelze • Curator, Magnetic Series

“Over the last five years, the production of foreign films in Latvia has grown rapidly”

Alise Ģelze • Curator, Magnetic Series

We had the chance to speak to Alise Ģelze, curator of Magnetic Series, a brand-new international pitching...  

14/10/2020 | Riga 2020 | Magnetic Series

Cinemalab 2011

Lydia Genchi • Distributor, Nomad Films


Industry report - The Belgian tax shelter

Hubert Gendebien - producer

The producer Hubert Gendebien talks about the impact of the Belgian tax shelter, introduced in 2002, on...  

Toby Genkel • Director

"European animation industry is a high-pressured system"

Toby Genkel • Director

German Films interviewed Toby Genkel, who talked about his latest film Ooops! Noah is Gone…, and about the...  


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