
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7798 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 24/09/2024. 606 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Elena Duque  • Programmer, Doc’s Kingdom

“As a programmer, you also have a responsibility to change what is considered to be the canon of film history”

Elena Duque • Programmer, Doc’s Kingdom

As the 2023 edition of the Portuguese event kicked off, this year’s programmer, selected in the first-ever...  

01/12/2023 | /Portugal

Jean-Marie Dura • Exhibitor
"UGC is a resolutely European group"


Colombia welcomes alternative distribution partners

Ana Catalina and Jorge Mario Durán • Distributors


Prix LUX 2011

Isabelle Durant • Vice-President of the European Parliament

Anatol Durbală  • Director of Varvara

“Among crooks, the righteous seem crooked everywhere”

Anatol Durbală • Director of Varvara

The Moldovan director explains how a religious fresco becomes a symbol of rectitude and normality in his...  

03/10/2023 | Zurich 2023

Paula Ďurinová • Director of Insides

“We want to be open with our protagonists and make sure their boundaries are respected throughout the process”

Paula Ďurinová • Director of Insides

The Slovak documentarian discusses her forthcoming feature debut, revolving around collective anxiety,...  

09/04/2021 | Febiofest Bratislava 2021 | Febiofest Industry Days

Paula Ďurinová  • Director of Lapilli

“In the total darkness of a cave, where there is no way to escape to another reality, any question can be asked”

Paula Ďurinová • Director of Lapilli

The director discusses her exploration of grief and memory, the blending of autofiction and documentary...  

02/07/2024 | Karlovy Vary 2024 | Proxima

Michal Ďuriš  • Director

“It’s crucial to me that the topic of my films touches me personally”

Michal Ďuriš • Director

As he prepared for the world premiere of his film Warm Comedy about Depression, Madness and Unfulfilledat...  

04/07/2018 | Future Frames 2018

Zeina Durra  • Director of Luxor

“It's as if this film wanted to be made”

Zeina Durra • Director of Luxor

We chatted to Zeina Durra about her Sundance-screened second film, the Andrea Riseborough starrer Luxor  

07/02/2020 | Sundance 2020 | World Cinema Dramatic Competition


David Dusa • Director

Director David Dusa talks about Flowers of Evil, a love story set against the background of Iranian...  

An Austrian Moon in Rome

Andrea Maria Dusl • Director

Blue Moon opens the Festival ‘New Cinema Austria’, in the capital till October, 17. A first Italian...  


European Distributors: Up Next! – Poland

Jakub Duszyński • Distributor


Beyond conventions

Jakub Duszynski - Polish distributor of Irina Palm


Jakub Duszynsky • Distributor, Gutek Film

"For us, the theatre experience is crucial"

Jakub Duszynsky • Distributor, Gutek Film

As part of our #EuropeansAgainstCovid19 series in collaboration with LUX Prize, Polish distributor Jakub...  

28/05/2020 | LUX Prize 2020/#EuropeansAgainstCovid19

Manuel José Damásio and Lyndsay Duthie  • Chair of the GEECT board and member of the GEECT board

“Schools must quickly come up with tools to supervise students and assure their safety”

Manuel José Damásio and Lyndsay Duthie • Chair of the GEECT board and member of the GEECT board

We spoke to Professor Manuel José Damásio and Professor Lyndsay Duthie, from the European Grouping of Film...  

08/05/2020 | Europe

A look at distribution in Switzerland

Laurent Dutoit • Distributor


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