
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7793 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 20/09/2024. 605 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Francesco Mastrofini  • CEO of Rainbow CGI and Educational Coordinator of the virtual production training course at LuceLabCinecittà

“Virtual production is an artistic, technical and sustainable aid: it just needs to find its way, we’re still in the early stages”

Francesco Mastrofini • CEO of Rainbow CGI and Educational Coordinator of the virtual production training course at LuceLabCinecittà

The CEO of Rainbow CGI spoke to us about Cinecittà’s new Virtual Production course, which he himself is...  

28/12/2023 | /Italy

Video - San Sebastián Film Festival 2009

Interview with Chiara Mastroianni, actress in Making Plans for Lena

Chiara Mastroianni in San Sebastián: my dream is making horror films  

Ángeles Hernández and David Matamoros • Directors of Isaac

“Everything that happens in the film we have experienced ourselves”

Ángeles Hernández and David Matamoros • Directors of Isaac

We chatted to the Spanish producers, who made their feature-length directorial debut with a character...  

22/01/2021 | /Spain

Industry report - Production strategies

David Matamoros - Managing Director Zentropa Spain

Zentropa Spain, look for new talents and bring them on the international scene  

Producers on the move 2012 – Spain

David Matamoros • Zentropa International Spain

Barcelona-based producer David Matamoros tells us about his career, from his beginnings in music to his...  


Dalibor Matanic  • Director


Dalibor Matanic • Director

CANNES 2015: Cineuropa met up with Croatian director Dalibor Matanic to talk about The High Sun, Jury...  


Video - Interview

Dalibor Matanic - Director

Kino Lika, censored by the establishment, loved by audiences  

Dalibor Matanić • Director of The Dawn

“Compassion, love and tolerance remove all the toxins”

Dalibor Matanić • Director of The Dawn

We talked to Croatian filmmaker Dalibor Matanić on the occasion of the world premiere of his newest film...  

30/11/2020 | Black Nights 2020 | Competition

Antonello Matarazzo • Director of Pablo from Neanderthal

"I wanted to maintain a childlike approach while imagining the story of our origins"

Antonello Matarazzo • Director of Pablo from Neanderthal

VENICE 2022: The painter and director meets artist Pablo Echaurren, and together, they wonder about what...  

06/09/2022 | Venice 2022 | Giornate degli Autori

Gianluca Matarrese  • Director of The Last Chapter

“I wanted to convey the proximity and feeling of trust that Bernard and I shared”

Gianluca Matarrese • Director of The Last Chapter

VENICE 2021: The Italian director presents a highly intimate and touching portrait of a wounded and...  

14/09/2021 | Venice 2021 | International Film Critics’ Week

Gianluca Matarrese  • Director of The Zola Experience

"What fascinates me about cinema is the creative process"

Gianluca Matarrese • Director of The Zola Experience

VENICE 2023: The director follows the trials and tribulations of a theatre director getting to grips with...  

11/09/2023 | Venice 2023 | Giornate degli Autori

Małgorzata Goliszewska and Katarzyna Mateja  • Directors of Lessons of Love

“This story is universal enough to make a difference in people’s lives”

Małgorzata Goliszewska and Katarzyna Mateja • Directors of Lessons of Love

Cineuropa talked to Małgorzata Goliszewska and Katarzyna Mateja, the directors of Lessons of Love, about...  

20/07/2020 | IceDocs 2020

Víctor Matellano  • Director of Mi adorado Monster

“I am transposing the games of my childhood to the big screen”

Víctor Matellano • Director of Mi adorado Monster

Surrounded by books and DVDs, we chatted with this lover of the Spanish fantaterror genre, who is...  

21/01/2022 | /Spain

Interview - Venice Days 2011

Francesco Matera • Director

Francesco Matera’s Voi siete qui is a homage to cinematic Rome through a journey among the real settings...  

Wil Mathijs  • Director


Wil Mathijs • Director

Cinergie met up with Belgian director Wil Mathijs, who with Cells brings us a humorous yet dark film that...  

Aldemar Matias • Director of On The Starting Line

"How can we talk about political context through the intimacy of a family"

Aldemar Matias • Director of On The Starting Line

BERLIN 2019: Brazilian filmmaker Aldemar Matias talks about his first film On The Starting Line, about a...  

21/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Panorama

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