
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7578 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 05/06/2024. 573 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Ferdinando Cito Filomarino • Director of Beckett

"I wanted to explore this genre, the manhunt-thriller"

Ferdinando Cito Filomarino • Director of Beckett

The director tells Cineuropa about the European background of his second feature and why he chose Greece...  

05/08/2021 | Locarno 2021 | Piazza Grande

Interview Peter Cameron 1 [IT]

The City of Your Final Destination

Interview Peter Cameron 2 [IT]

The City of Your Final Destination

Jean-Paul Civeyrac • Director

"I like films where heroism is questioned"

Jean-Paul Civeyrac • Director

Jean-Paul Civeyrac tells us about his new film, the superb and romantic A Paris Education, very popular at...  


Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes  • Directors of Kind Hearts

“We had to strike a balance between normal, everyday life and something interesting”

Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes • Directors of Kind Hearts

BERLINALE 2022: At the centre of this Belgian documentary is a young couple reflecting on their lives and...  

11/02/2022 | Berlinale 2022 | Generation

Anaïs Clanet  • Sales agent, Reservoir Docs

"The marketing has to be brought to the buyers on a platter"

Anaïs Clanet • Sales agent, Reservoir Docs

The French sales agent discusses the strain of documentary markets, frustrated acquisition strategies, the...  

29/11/2023 | /France

Jérémy Clapin  • Director

"Without this spotlight from the Critics' Week, you can easily end up staying under the radar"

Jérémy Clapin • Director

The French filmmaker, who won the Grand Prix in the 2019 Critics' Week, is celebrating the 60th...  

24/06/2021 | Cannes 2021 | Critics' Week

Jérémy Clapin • Director of I Lost My Body

"In this film we have two genres, romance and action"

Jérémy Clapin • Director of I Lost My Body

CANNES 2019: French director Jérémy Clapin talks about his animation film I Lost My Body, world-premiered...  

20/05/2019 | Cannes 2019 | Critics' Week

Phil Clapp  • President, UNIC

“We need to make cinema more of an event”

Phil Clapp • President, UNIC

UNIC president Phil Clapp spoke to Cineuropa about the impact of digital distribution models  


Fiona Clark  • CEO, Cork Film Festival

"Our ambition is to make Cork the destination of choice for great storytelling on film"

Fiona Clark • CEO, Cork Film Festival

We spoke to Fiona Clark, producer and chief executive officer of Cork Film Festival, which is poised to...  


Fiona Clark   •  CEO Cork International Film Festival

"Start with the art and if it’s really good, you can market it proudly"

Fiona Clark • CEO Cork International Film Festival

Fiona Clark, director and CEO of the Cork International Film Festival, talks about the 68th edition which...  

15/03/2023 | Euro Film Fest

The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael

Thomas Clay • Director

Just a history of violence?  


Harry Cleven  • Director

"Angel is a fairy tale for adults, a resolutely dreamlike film”

Harry Cleven • Director

Angel heralds the return to film of Belgian filmmaker Harry Cleven. A bold gamble awash with sensations  


The Dynamics of Trouble

Harry Cleven • Director

Meeting with Harry Cleven in Cinergie's editorial offices  


Video - Interview

Harry Cleven - director of Trouble

Cleven presents an intense story based on fraternal relationships with unusual intensity  

Dan Clifton  • Chairman, Federation of European Film Directors (FERA)

"There's a growing need for directors to be more engaged in the whole life cycle of their films"

Dan Clifton • Chairman, Federation of European Film Directors (FERA)

Cineuropa met up with Dan Clifton, chairman of the Federation of European Film Directors, to talk about...  


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