
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7796 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 23/09/2024. 604 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.

Lars Kraume  • Director of Measures of Men

“Throughout history, cinema has made most of its money from the exploitation of violence”

Lars Kraume • Director of Measures of Men

BERLINALE 2023: The German director homes in on modern ethnological standards and why his fellow...  

06/03/2023 | Berlinale 2023 | Berlinale Special


Chris Kraus • director

Interview with director Chris Kraus, at the Rome Film Festival 2010, where he presented The Poll Diaries  

Staying Power

Chris Kraus • Director


Karsten Krause • Producer, Fünferfilm

“The interest in arthouse and artistically demanding cinema seems to grow”

Karsten Krause • Producer, Fünferfilm

The 2022 Emerging Producer from Germany addresses the current situation of the documentary film industry...  

03/03/2022 | Emerging Producers 2022

Clare Stronge, Vadym Ilkov and Oleksandra Kravchenko • Directors and producer of Fixing the War

"One of the amazing things about fixers in Ukraine is how much of a community they are"

Clare Stronge, Vadym Ilkov and Oleksandra Kravchenko • Directors and producer of Fixing the War

The award-winning Ukrainian director and the Emmy- and IFDA-winning documentary filmmaker reveal some...  

07/05/2024 | Visions du Réel 2024 | VdR-Industry

Oleksandra Kravchenko  • Producer, Moon Man

“How can you just jump in on a zoom call after spending all morning in the shelter under heavy missile strikes?”

Oleksandra Kravchenko • Producer, Moon Man

The Ukrainian producer gives us an insight on what her profession looks like during the current war situation  

19/03/2024 | Emerging Producers 2024


Olga Kravets • Director



Nicolette Krebitz • Director of A E I O U – A Quick Alphabet of Love

“It’s a movie about love, and I have nothing but love for everyone here”

Nicolette Krebitz • Director of A E I O U – A Quick Alphabet of Love

BERLINALE 2022: The German director follows Wild with another unusual romance, although this time, wolves...  

15/02/2022 | Berlinale 2022 | Competition

"A good counter-programming against Harry Potter"

Pål Kreim – Norwegian distributor of 2 Days in Paris


Anja Kreis  • Director of The Alienated

"The power of evil is not only in the government but also in the mentality of people"

Anja Kreis • Director of The Alienated

The Russian-born filmmaker discusses her second feature and the uncomfortable questions it raises, about...  

11/07/2024 | Karlovy Vary 2024 | Proxima

Matthias Krepp • Director of Strangers in the Night

“I found it interesting to make a film whose protagonists were unaware of the turning point the next year would bring”

Matthias Krepp • Director of Strangers in the Night

As his short film about six characters looking for meaning and comfort awaits its screening at Karlovy...  

01/07/2024 | Future Frames 2024

Marie Kreutzer • Director of Corsage


Marie Kreutzer • Director of Corsage

10/12/2022 | European Film Awards 2022

Marie Kreutzer  • Director of Corsage

“Even in my serious films, I like to create some laughter”

Marie Kreutzer • Director of Corsage

CANNES 2022: The Austrian director talks about blending drama and humour, Empress Elisabeth’s journey to...  

31/05/2022 | Cannes 2022 | Un Certain Regard

Marie Kreutzer  • Director of The Ground beneath My Feet

“Something is wrong, but I don’t want you to know what it is”

Marie Kreutzer • Director of The Ground beneath My Feet

BERLIN 2019: Cineuropa chatted to Austrian director Marie Kreutzer about her striking competition title...  

12/02/2019 | Berlinale 2019 | Competition

Marco Kreuzpaintner • Director of The Collini Case

“Thinking ahead – I think that’s healthy”

Marco Kreuzpaintner • Director of The Collini Case

German Films met up with Marco Kreuzpaintner to look back on his career while he prepares a bunch of...  


Driven by curiosity

Titus Kreyenberg • Producer, unafilm

Turkey remains one of the key destinations in the map of German company unafilm. Seyfi Teoman’s Saints is...  


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