
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7804 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 26/09/2024. 609 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.


Casting Lisbeth Salander was our first focus

Søren Stærmose • Producer of the Millennium films


Portrait of the artist as an outsider

Simon Staho • Director


Danijela Stajnfeld • Director of Hold Me Right

"Making this film was a healing process in the aftermath of a sexual assault"

Danijela Stajnfeld • Director of Hold Me Right

Serbia's Danijela Stajnfeld talked to us about her deeply personal Hold Me Right, screening as part of the...  

21/08/2020 | Sarajevo 2020 | Documentary Competition

Andrea Staka  • Director

"I am interested in the invisible, what is going on inside human beings"

Andrea Staka • Director

Cineuropa met up with Swiss filmmaker Andrea Staka, who, through Cure: The Life of Another, allows us to...  


Andrea Staka • Director of Mare

"A detailed study of middle-aged family women, and how their sexuality can fit in everyday’s life"

Andrea Staka • Director of Mare

BERLINALE 2020: Swiss filmmaker Andrea Staka discusses her latest film, Mare, presented in the Panorama...  

29/02/2020 | Berlinale 2020 | Panorama

Mira Staleva • Distributor, Art Fest

"Distribution in Bulgaria is a true challenge"

Mira Staleva • Distributor, Art Fest

The distribution manager of the Sofia-based outfit, and also managing director of the Sofia International...  

01/04/2021 | /Bulgaria

Mira Staleva  • Head of Sofia Meetings

"We are a platform with the principal ambition to present new media and new distribution models in the rapidly changing world of cinema"

Mira Staleva • Head of Sofia Meetings

We spoke to Mira Staleva, the driving force behind Sofia Meetings, about the challenges of organising one...  

13/03/2019 | Sofia 2019 | Sofia Meetings

Mira Staleva  • Managing director, Sofia International Film Festival

“A sense of humour will save us”

Mira Staleva • Managing director, Sofia International Film Festival

Cineuropa talked to Mira Staleva, the managing director of the Sofia International Film Festival, also...  

20/04/2020 | Sofia 2020

Producers on the move 2012 – Hungary

Judit Stalter • Laokoon Filmgroup

Propelled to centre stage of the Hungarian film industrythanks to Happy new life, Laokoon Filmgroup has...  


Monica Stambrini • Director of Hold on Miss! Isabella Ducrot Unlimited

"When success comes for an artist at that age, it's fascinating"

Monica Stambrini • Director of Hold on Miss! Isabella Ducrot Unlimited

VENICE 2024: The Italian director talks about the documentary she has dedicated to the ninety-something...  

05/09/2024 | Venice 2024 | Giornate degli Autori

Keti Stamo  • Director of Sons of Cain

"Dreams were the perfect antidote to whisk these children away to a different reality"

Keti Stamo • Director of Sons of Cain

VENICE 2021: The director has crafted a dreamlike documentary that calls into question the strict nature...  

14/09/2021 | Venice 2021 | Giornate degli Autori

Industry report

Bernie Stampfer - Deutsche Bank

The role of the banks in the near future in the audiovisual industry  

Bernie Stampfer  • Head of studies, European Film Business and Law MBA

“This master creates a high-quality basis for the continuous expansion of expertise”

Bernie Stampfer • Head of studies, European Film Business and Law MBA

The master’s course run by the EPI offers an opportunity for audiovisual professionals to acquire a...  

02/06/2023 | /Germany

Radu Stancu • Producer, deFilm

“I am curious and interested in discovering stories that I wouldn't have access to in normal life”

Radu Stancu • Producer, deFilm

The Romanian producer tells us about his unusual career path starting with short film production, and...  

10/05/2023 | Producers on the Move 2023

Igor Stankovic • Distributor, MCF Megacom

“Maybe cinemas will not be the same, but once all this is over, people will be hungry for new films”

Igor Stankovic • Distributor, MCF Megacom

The CEO of the Serbian distribution company offers us some insight into their diversified business model...  

15/04/2021 | /Serbia

European Distributors: Up Next! 2009 - Serbia

Zoran Stankovic • Distributor


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