
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7795 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 22/09/2024. 603 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.


"I wanted to show a young musician’s dream"

Fabrizio Bentivoglio • Director


Houda Benyamina • Director

"A physical style of film, full of contrasts"

Houda Benyamina • Director

Cineuropa met with French director Houda Benyamina on the occasion of the French release of her film...  


Luka Beradze • Director of Smiling Georgia

"I would like politicians to understand what these false promises do to the common people and change their attitudes"

Luka Beradze • Director of Smiling Georgia

The Georgian director breaks down his debut feature, which paints a delicate portrait of a part of his...  

11/07/2023 | Karlovy Vary 2023 | Special Screenings

Irini Souganidou and Soli Beraha  • Distributors, Feelgood Entertainment

“We love good films, whether they come from Hollywood or independent studios”

Irini Souganidou and Soli Beraha • Distributors, Feelgood Entertainment

We talked to Soli Beraha and Irini Souganidou of Feelgood Entertainment about the Greek film market and...  

22/12/2020 | /Greece

Producer on the Move 2010 – Czech Republic

Pavel Berčík


Emmanuelle Bercot  • Director

“I had to push Rod Paradot into a state of anger and rage”

Emmanuelle Bercot • Director

At the Rendez-Vous with French Cinema in New York, Director Talk discussed Standing Tall with director...  


Andrea Berentsen Ottmar • Producer, Oslo Pictures

“We have to protect artistic independence, artistic quality and cinema culture”

Andrea Berentsen Ottmar • Producer, Oslo Pictures

The Norwegian producer, selected as one of EFP's 2022 Producers on the Move, talked about her current work...  

10/05/2022 | Producers on the Move 2022/Norway

Annika Berg  • Director

“I was looking for anyone who would grab the ball and run with it”

Annika Berg • Director

VENICE 2017: We chatted to Annika Berg, whose teen drama Team Hurricane was screened in the International...  


Jakob Berg  • Communication advisor, Norwegian Film Institute

“There are just so many things happening in a small geographical area, in a pretty town”

Jakob Berg • Communication advisor, Norwegian Film Institute

The man with many hats in the Norwegian film industry is usually totally immersed in everything Haugesund...  

22/08/2023 | Haugesund 2023 | New Nordic Films

Catherine Ann Berger  • Director, Swiss Films

“In the long run, it is really not enough to make films for your own home territory”

Catherine Ann Berger • Director, Swiss Films

At the Zurich Film Festival, we chatted to the director of Swiss Films, Catherine Ann Berger, about the...  


Edward Berger • Director of All Quiet on the Western Front

“What we associate with the two wars is shame, grief, destruction and guilt; I wanted to make a film out of this heritage”

Edward Berger • Director of All Quiet on the Western Front

We chatted to the German director about his Netflix-financed adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s...  

03/10/2022 | Zurich 2022

Pablo Berger  • Director

"I believe in films that don’t exclude the viewer"

Pablo Berger • Director

After the deification of Blancanieves, Pablo Berger pushes it to extremes with his latest film,...  


"My aim is to surprise the spectator"

Pablo Berger • Director

The director of Torremolinos 73 has returned a decade later with a black-and-white silent film destined to...  


Julie Bergeron  • Cannes Film Market, member of the US in Progress jury

“The biggest challenge is to make a film that will circulate and find an audience”

Julie Bergeron • Cannes Film Market, member of the US in Progress jury

Cineuropa sat down with Julie Bergeron at US in Progress Paris to discuss support for independent film and...  


Julie Bergeron • Head of industry programmes, Cannes Film Market


Julie Bergeron • Head of industry programmes, Cannes Film Market

CANNES NEXT: Cineuropa talked to Julie Bergeron, head of industry programmes at the Cannes Film Market, at...  


Lindsay Peters, Julie Bergeron • Market & industry director, executive director, Frontières

"We are now eager to develop Frontières' sense of community even further"

Lindsay Peters, Julie Bergeron • Market & industry director, executive director, Frontières

Frontières@Brussels market and industry director Lindsay Peters and executive director Julie Bergeron...  


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