
Weekly feature introducing you to film professionals from all over Europe sorted by name.

7595 interviews available in total starting from 14/05/2002. Last updated on 23/06/2024. 570 interviews inserted in the last 12 months.


"Civilisation is easily lost"

Aku Louhimies • Director

Aku Louhimies talks about his dark tale of divorce and desperation, an intimate portrait of an essentially good young father driven to desperation and...  


"A good script is a good script"

Markus Selin • Producer

Producer Markus Selin heads Solar Films, the company responsible for some of Finland's biggest box office hits but also of some of the country's most...  


Focus on diversity

Patrice Boiteau • Director of the Osaka European Film Festival


A man of stature

Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck • Director

He is a debutant who has proven himself a professional in the best sense of the word with his first feature, aesthetically consistent, moving, great...  


Versatility is his middle name

Ulrich Muehe • Actor

Whenever conversation turns to the actor Ulrich Muehe, one inevitably hears the word "versatile" being used to describe his skill in being able to change...  


"Visibility is our goal"

Maciej Karpinski • Vice Director of the Polish Film Institute


"Cinema needs to get back in touch with its audience"

Giorgio Gosetti • Director of the RomeFilmFest


The origin of the world

Rabah Ameur-Zaïmeche • Director


"The Queen is a universal brand"

Andy Harries • Producer

Andy Harries has been working for the last 13 years as television executive for Granada TV. He had the idea of using Helen Mirren in The Queen when working...  


The instinct of credibility

Stephen Frears • Director

Interview with a director who commandingly lays claim to his status as a non-auteur and an inexhaustible explorer of themes and genres  


"It is a film about nothing. And I was able to shoot everything about nothing"

Gyula Nemes • Director


"Directors should have something at stake"

Vinca Wiedemann • Head of New Danish Screen


Financing: An obstacle course

Jean Bréhat • Producer

Co-founder of the production company 3B Productions with Rachid Bouchareb in the late 1980s, he has always produced projects by his partner-director  


"Cinema is a crazy business"

Rachid Bouchareb • Director

Meeting with a committed and humanist director, who has unveiled with much talent an ignored period of French history  


"Truth exists so we can make the best of it"

Fabrizio Rongione • Actor/Producer

Much of the success of Joachim Lafosse’s film can be credited to its lead actor Fabrizio Rongione, who lends his character an eccentric and radiant grace  


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