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Clooney using tax credit too


Two big US productions – Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck’s The Tourist, starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie, and Anton Corbijn’s The American with George Clooney – are using the finally approved and implemented Italian tax credit and tax shelter. At the European Film Market of the Berlinale, parliamentarian Gabriella Carlucci and economist Mario La Torre illustrated the new fiscal incentives to Italians and foreigners working in the industry, in a "road show" they will also take to Cannes and Venice.

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Their objective is to convince as many foreign investors as possible to take advantage of the laws. "For 2010, the Italian government has allocated €80m for the tax credit and €25m for the tax shelter", said Carlucci and La Torre, who are working to extend these measures beyond December 31 of this year.

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