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2010 domestic film ticket sales already at 10 million


Italian films are doing well in the first quarter of the year according to Cinetel data. Compared to a 2009 market share that dropped to 24.4%, this year, from January 1 to March 7, 10 million admissions have been sold for domestic films, increasing the market share for local films to 33.5%.

Five local films that have been released in 2010 have exceeded €5m at the box office. Carlo Verdone’s Io, Loro e Lara [+see also:
film review
making of
film profile
leads the pack with €15.7m, followed by Gabriele Muccino’s Kiss Me Again [+see also:
film review
film profile
(€9.1m), Federico Moccia’s Scusa Ma Ti Voglio Sposare (€6.7m), Paolo Virzì’s La Prima Cosa Bella [+see also:
film review
film profile
(€6.3m) and Giovanni Veronesi’s Genitori & Figli [+see also:
film profile
(€5.8m). The latter’s gross comes just 10 days after its release on February 26.

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President of the producers of ANICA Riccardo Tozzi told entertainment industry paper Giornale dello Spettacolo that “Italian cinema has grown much thanks to the success of a series of films that have united skill and entertainment. If, as took place in the first months of this year, our strongest filmmakers come out in force, our films, despite strong competition from films such as Avatar and Alice in Wonderland, will be able to exceed a 30% share of the market”.

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(Translated from Italian)

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