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Controcorrente - Nizhalkkuthu


- Adoor Gopalakrishnan's feature is a tale of crime and punishment, made entirely in Cinemascope, and set in a small village in the Indian provinces

Adoor Gopolakrishnan is an Indian filmmaker who has won awards both at home and at numerous international festivals. His latest film, Nizhalkkithu (Dark Shadows) was selected for Upstream in Venice 59. Set in India in the 40s, the chief executioner of a small town in the southern province of Travancore starts feeling guilty about the way he earns his daily bread and goes in search of forgiveness.
Gopolakrishnan brings his characteristic anthropological and philosophical interpretation to his protagonist’s internal battle between the conscious and the unconscious. The story also reflects Indian history and social conditions of that time.
“I began this film with a strong desire to analyse the issue of responsibility. I asked myself who is responsible for the death of an innocent when the laws of man fail to identify the culprit.” Although set in a small town in India, this tale of guilt and responsibility is universally recognisable and people of all nations and walks of life will be identify with the issues touched on here. This is reflected in the fact that France produced this film.
“Making co-productions with other countries is a wonderful opportunity to widen our horizons. It also allows you to work with some truly excellent crews.”
Given that Dark Shadows was made in Cinemascope, Gopalakrishnan has the additional benefit of a new character: Nature and all the intensity of the elements. “I felt the need to use the beauty and cruelty of Nature, not just as a backdrop, but as a protagonist of this story in every way.”

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(Translated from Italian)

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