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MMKA backs Hajdu, Pálfi, Kenyeres and Goda


A total of 18 feature film projects have just been selected by the Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary (MMKA), who will offer financial backing for their production.

These include Mirage by Szabolcs Hajdu, whose two latest films screened in the Cannes Directors’ Fortnight (White Palms) and the Berlinale Forum (Bibliothèque Pascal). Piloted by FilmPartners and Katapult Film, the Mirage project was presented this year at Rotterdam’s Cinemart and Sarajevo’s Cinelink.

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MMKA backing will also go to T Projekt, the fourth feature by original director György Pálfi (Taxidermia [+see also:
film profile
); Bálint Kenyeres’s debut feature Yesterday; and Emerson és Tsa by Krisztina Goda, who enjoyed immense success with her first three features (Just Sex and Nothing Else, Children of Glory and Chameleon).

The Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary has also selected Árpád Bogdán’s The Necromancer (produced by Lakoon Film); János Szász’s The Notebook (A Nagy Füzet), based on a novel by Agota Kristof; Anyám és Más Futóbolondok a Családban by Ibolya Fekete (who won honours at Karlovy Vary in 2002 with her previous feature Chico); and László Nemes Jeles’s debut feature Else.

Chosen directors also include Péter Gárdos with Sugárzás, Ildikó Enyedi with Testről és lélekről, Géza Bereményi with Frontátvonulás (Antoine és Désiré) and Gyula Nemes with Zero.

The other selected projects are Róbert Lakatos’s Kilóg a Lóláb, Attila Gigor’s Az Ember Akit Nem Lőttek Le, Frigyes Gödrös’s A Dolgok Kezdete, Csaba Káel’s Toldi, Róbert Pajer’s Papp Laci Avagy Ha Pofon Kell Fiam, Csak Szóljál and Attila Janisch’s Időradír.

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(Translated from French)

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