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Szczepanowicz’s Hidden triumphs at Poznań


The 3rd Poznań International Animated Film Festival, Poland’s foremost animation event, presented 82 titles this year. On Saturday, the festival awarded its Grand Prize – The Golden Pegasus to Piotr Szczepanowicz’s short film Hidden (Ukryte).

The seven-minute-long film centres on a man who lives in a small railway station far from civilisation. It was crowned by the jury for "its perfect editing and the harmony between the sound and atmosphere".

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The Second Prize – Silver Pegasus was awarded by the Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny (National Audiovisual Institute) to Hungarian director Tunde Molnar’s I Am Simon (Simon Vagyok). Meanwhile, the Third Prize – Bronze Pegasus went to Italian filmmaker Blu for Big Bang Big Boom, which also received the Audience Award.

(Translated from French)

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