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Cinema without borders


The 18th edition of Cinema Without Borders will open in Rome on 4 November. This year’s theme is dialogue between different peoples and cultures and not limited to nationality, as a way of encouraging greater integration between different life styles and religions.
The event will feature a careful analysis of socio-political issues seen through the medium of film and was organised and promoted by the Italian Film Circuit Association, the Faculty of Science and Social Communications of Rome University and the Pontifical Salesian University. The programme includes a number of weekly meetings and there is no entrance or participation fee. A film critic will introduce the films to be screened each week and illustrate their relevance to the subject under discussion. The titles include Alberto Rondalli’s The Dervish, André Techiné’s Loin, Josef Fares’ Jalla! Jalla! and Mira Nair’s Monsoon Wedding.
Cinema Without Borders will run until 2 December and end with a round-table discussion with the participation of sectorial experts like Sebastiano Maffone, Cyril De Souza and Pietro Scoppola.

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(Translated from Italian)

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