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Melina travels the world


An exhibition organised by the 43rd Thessaloniki International Film Festival (8-17 November) together with the Macedonian Museum of Modern Art and dedicated to the legendary Greek actress and politician, Melina Mercouri, will run from 6-28 November in Thessaloniki. Mercouri rose to international stardom when she was nominated for an Oscar for Never on Sunday (1960).
The exhibition includes around two hundred posters from Melina Mercouri’s films, giving the Greek public an opportunity to enjoy heretofore unseen images of their most famous actress. All the posters on show were designed by artists like Vakirdzis, Olivetti, Jano, Macii, Nistri, Yves Thos, Deseta, Nano, Biffignandi and Freidenreich, and kindly donated by the following countries , Mexico, Japan, Spain, Argentina, Poland, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, Romania and Italy.

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