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CANNES 2003 Submissions

Selection process begins


- 1 April is the deadline for submissions to the next Cannes Film Festival. All the latest news & information

Monday 13 January is the opening date for submissions to the forthcoming 2003 edition of the Cannes Film Festival, scheduled to unroll from 14-25 May.
The programme includes the following categories: the Official Competition (for features and short films), a selection of films for screening Out-of-Competition and “Un Certain Regard” for medium-length and short films films made by Cinéfondation film school students.
All those who wish to take part are requested to send an entry form no later than 1 April 2003 (it can be downloaded by clicking on above-listed official website). They are also requested to send in a VHS Pal or DVD copy of the film in question.
The criteria for eligibility for the competition remain unvaried: the film has to have been produced during the twelve months preceding the festival; must not have been screened outside of its country of origin or presented at any other international film event preceding Cannes, nor been published on the Internet. Short films cannot be longer than 15 minutes.
If all the above-mentioned rules have been met (there can be no exceptions), it is then up to the members of the Board of the Festival to select the films that will be presented either in or out of competition.
French filmmakers please take note: those wishing to submit a French feature for official selection are requested this year to contact Christian Jeune directly, at the Cannes Film Festival office situated in 7 rue Amélie 75007 in Paris (Tel: +33-(0)1-53-59-61-74 or via email at

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(Translated from French)

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