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BFI lays out blueprint for future


The British Film Institute (BFI), the apex body for film in the UK, has laid out its plans for the near future. These include a digital strategy for modernisation; a focus on income growth and increased efficiencies; and increased public access to BFI collections.

The BFI will build on its revenue-earning capabilities with initiatives including a new membership drive, introducing advertising opportunities onscreen and online, and a sponsorship and fundraising campaign.

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These changes are being proposed against a backdrop of a 15% cut in its grant in aid over the next four years, successive years of zero increases in grant-in-aid funding and rising utilities and pension costs which have created a widening gap in the BFI’s budget. These will lead to 37 jobs being lost at the BFI.

BFI Director Amanda Nevill said, “It is imperative the BFI builds on its successes and remains commercially astute in this tough new environment. We have an incredible opportunity in the months and years ahead to create something very special for film in the UK and these proposals are both bold and necessary.”

The BFI is currently preparing for the transition of responsibilities from the UK Film Council and further structural changes will be made following the due diligence period. In early 2011, the BFI will look to recruit new Governing Board members to guide it through the transition period. Soon, an outline transition timetable will also be published.

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