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Takings up, admissions down in 2010


Dominated by US films, which occupy the top 20 spots in the annual box office rankings in the wake of Avatar (772m forints in takings), the 2010 season in Hungarian theatres closed on a contrasting note with a 6% rise in takings and a 2.5% drop in admissions compared to the previous year.

Two European co-productions feature in the year’s top 20 chart. David Yates’s UK/US feature Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 [+see also:
film profile
clocks in at fourth place with 235m forints in takings, while Guy Ritchie’s US/German title Sherlock Holmes [+see also:
film profile
is in sixth position (179m forints).

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In a rare occurrence, not one Hungarian film makes it into the annual top 20. However, Péter Rudolf’s comedy Glass Tiger 3 has grossed almost 108m forints in 18 days since its release on December 16, which puts the film close behind the 20th title in the 2010 box office rankings.

In the annual ranking of distributors, Intercom confirms its leading position with a 45.15% market share, ahead of UIP (18.77%) and Fórum (18.64%). Trailing far behind are Palace Pictures (5.46%), Budapest Films (5.16%), Szuez Film (1.86%), Mokép – Pannónia, Cirko Film, Hungaricom, Jakubisko Film, I.T. Cinema City, Skyfilm, Mozinet, Intersonic and Movieline.

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(Translated from French)

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