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Forum - Marie et le loup


- A mysterious fable set in a small rural community and directed by Eva Heinrich, is presented in Panorama

Let's say you were walking in a forest and came upon a wolf... Would you know if it's dangerous or not?
Eva Heinrich, a filmmaker in her forties from Strasbourg, tried to answer just that question when she wrote and directed a Marie et le loup, produced with funding from Eurimages, and produced by Maia Films and >Arte.

Marie et le loup is a rather mysterious rural fable, set in a small village on the eve of the annual harvest. A man is suspected of having raped and murdered a little girl. He has an alibi: he says he spent the night with Marie, the police chief’s ex-wife. On learning how his ex-spouse passes her leisure time, the police chief is not exactly jumping for joy.

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Zaida Ghorab Volta plays the Marie. Volta, a writer and director as well as an actress, coordinated the production work on this project, and is simply perfect as the enigmatic and always dignified Marie. As in every self-respecting fable, all’s well that ends well, even if the finale is somewhat disconcerting: dressed in a little red frock, Marie embraces her saviour, the big bad wolf...

(Translated from Italian)

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