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Caustic comedy Michel G, King of the World reigns over screens


A businessman who wants to embody a modern, uninhibited capitalism agrees to be shadowed and captured on camera by a political journalist in French/Belgian co-production Michel G, King of the World [+see also:
film profile
, which is being launched today by Rezo Films on 114 screens. Directed by Stéphane Kazandjian and featuring impressive performances from François-Xavier Demaison and Laurent Lafitte, this sharp and funny drama takes the form of a mockumentary.

"In general, the economy is explored in cinema from two angles: through documentaries and thrillers, journalistic exposure or suspense" explained the director. "I opted for a third way: satire. All these businessmen, with their obsessive personalities, make wonderful comic characters. They’re worthy heirs to Molière’s Tartuffe. They’re killers, with no scruples whatsoever. They want more and more money and power. And they’re totally uninhibited about it! That’s what is fascinating. With them, we’re plunged into narcissistic delirium."

Michel G, King of the World was produced by Delante Films for €3.67m. The budget included co-production support from Belgium’s Scope Pictures and pre-acquisitions from Canal + and Orange Cinéma Séries. International sales are being managed by Other Angle Pictures.

Four other quality French films are also hitting theatres: José Alcala’s social thriller Coup d'Éclat [+see also:
film profile
(see newsAd Vitam on 108 screens); Géraldine Bajard’s The Edge [+see also:
film profile
(unveiled at Locarno – see newsZootrope Films in 11 theatres); Amor Hakkar’s A Few Days of Respite (in competition at Sundance 2011– Sarah Films in 14 theatres); and Hélène Lee’s documentary The First Rasta (released by NiZ! in five theatres).

Among the non-domestic European releases, Germany stands out with Florian Gallenberger’s John Rabe [+see also:
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(Lola Awards 2009 for Best Film and Best Actor – see newsAlbany films Distribution/Aramis Films in 65 theatres); and Baran Bo Odar’s The Silence [+see also:
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(DistriB Films on 26 screens).

Finally, the line-up also includes Julien Carbon and Laurent Courtiaud’s French/Chinese co-production Red Nights [+see also:
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(La Fabrique 2 on a 15-print run).

(Translated from French)

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