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INDUSTRY Europe / Poland

EU Commissioner Lewandowski defends MEDIA Programme


At a meeting in Warsaw with Polish film and television industry professionals, Janusz Lewandowski (photo), European Commissioner for Financial Programming and the Budget, rose to the defence of the MEDIA Programme, whose solidity he praised and spoke of the future for the 2014-2020 period.

As director-producer Dariusz Jabloński (Apple Film Production) emphasised, "without the MEDIA Programme, cooperation and co-productions would be practically impossible. Europe must also ensure that its productions are visible on the new communication channels (websites, VOD channels, digital platforms, etc). If we don’t succeed in this, global businesses will dominate, leaving no room for Europe."

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For his part, Jakub Duszyński (Gutek Film) emphasised the role of the MEDIA Programme in the promotion of auteur films, which often lack the financial resources for this.

European Commissioner Lewandowski responded to the concerns of Polish professionals by asserting his good opinion of the MEDIA Programme. "Europe is currently plagued by anxiety and uncertainty about its future. During the discussions about European budgets, I often hear pessimistic comments. However, I note that the use of European funds is totally rational. The figures speak for themselves: eight out of the ten most recent Cannes Palme d’Or winners were backed by the MEDIA Programme. I think this is a perfect argument at a time when we must make savings and set out “negative” priorities, which is, incidentally, happening for the first time in the history of the European Union.”

He continued: “What doesn’t work simply won’t get financed. But the MEDIA Programme does work! I can thus assure you that, despite the current difficult conditions in Europe, this programme will be defended, and even reinforced. The awareness that this money is used to defend European values, Europe’s culture and its identity, is a strong argument in its defence."

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(Translated from French)

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