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EVENTS Germany

24th Medienforum NRW: “The attractive new world of the media: connected, open, mobile”


This will be the slogan for the 24th Medienforum NRW, which will be held in Cologne from June 18-20. The aim of this forum is to highlight the importance that the new media will have in the coming years. As usual, the meeting will be divided into four sections focusing on television, cinema, advertising and the digital media.

The main subjects to be tackled include the interconnection between the different digital media, its repercussions in the setting-up of new networks and the production of associated content, and the opportunities arising from the increasingly large-scale use of mobile devices. The aim is also to have an in-depth discussion about the challenges around data protection (security of online databases, geotagging…), as well as analyse the influence of an incipient opening up of society to the media and its influence in the development of concepts like open government and open data.

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The Medienforum NRW, devised and organised by LfM Nova GmbH, is financed with funding from Cologne City Council and the North Rhine-Westphalia state government, through its Media Ministry. According to its director, Jürgen Brautmeier, the forum is “the communication platform of the industry and the discussion forum for the policies and regulation [of the sector]”.

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(Translated from Spanish)

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