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Shorts are in!


The sixth edition of one of Belgium’s most energetic and proactive film festivals, Oh ce court ! will be held in Brussels from 5-13 April.
The programme includes 100 short films, including Das fantastische Nacht by United Blaireaux, Merci by Christine Rabette and Dead End by Patrick von Boetticher.

“Oh Ce Court” features an international competition with a rich Euros22,000 prize (assigned by a jury presided over by Sabrina Leurquin, Stefan Liberski, Piero Clemente and Jacques-Henri Bronckart); a competition for screenplays (with a jury of directors Vincent Lannoo, Frédéric Fonteyne and actor Georges Siatidis); animated films and, for the very first time a short film market. Also for the first time, the Jameson Distillery will present their special award for the best short film at the festival.

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