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Tabu wins Grand Prix at the 39th edition of Ghent’s Film Festival


- Miguel Gomes’ third film conquers Ghent’s jury

The international jury of the 39th Ghent Film Festival, with Joan Dupont presiding, announced last Wednesday October 17, in Ghent’s communal palace, that Tabu [+see also:
film review
interview: Miguel Gomes
interview: Miguel Gomes
film profile
, by Miguel Gomes had been awarded the Grand Prix.

The film follows the adventures of a surly elderly lady, her Cape Verde domestic worker and her socially involved neighbour. Following the death of the former, the two others come to discover certain elements from the old lady’s past, which involves a criminal and love intrigue in Africa straight out of an adventure film.

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The jury explained their choice as follows, “for such an original approach to a mysterious love story and a creative reflection on colonial history.”

The Grand Prix has a value of €43,000, in this case constituting help for distribution worth €20,000 in Flanders and Brussels (in a minimum of five film theatres) and a media campaign worth €23,000.

Tabu is one of three films competing for the LUX award from the European Parliament. It will be shown next week in the parliament itself.

(Translated from Italian)

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