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Rome's Business St. - Intramovies adds three to its catalogue


- The Italian independent sales company will be present at the Rome Festival's market with Ali Blue Eyes, S.B. I Knew Him Well and The Island of the Fallen Angel

Italian sales outfit Intramovies is looking forward to the market in its home town with three additions to its stable. The company will be present at the Rome Festival's Business Street at the Hotel Bernini Bristol from November 14-18, representing, among other titles, Claudio Giovannesi's competition entry Ali Blue Eyes as well as Giacomo Durzi and Giovanni Fasanella's S.B. I Knew Him Well and Carlo Lucarelli's The Island of the Fallen Angel, both in Italian Perspectives.

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Ali Blue Eyes follows the relationship between two teenagers, Nader and Stefano. At eight o'clock in the morning, they steal a motorbike and rob a shop, just before starting school at 9h. The Egyptian and the Italian are best friends, until their very different cultural backgrounds collide.

S.B. I Knew Him Well retraces the rise and fall of Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's most controversial politician of recent times, using interviews with people who knew him very closely, to paint an intimate portrait.

Rounding off the Intramovies titles is The Island of the Fallen Angel, an intriguing historical thriller set in 1925. On an unnamed island used as a prison and place of internal exile a young policeman tries to find clues to a series of brutal murders.

Intramovies' line-up at Rome Festival’s Business Street also includes The Commander and the Stork (Il comandante e la cicogna) by Silvio Soldini, Every Blessed Day (Tutti i santi giorni) by Paolo Virzì and The Lithium Conspiracy (Breve storia di lunghi tradimenti) by Davide Marengo.

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