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All three LUX Prize finalists screen at Stockholm film fest


- MEP Carl Schlyter contributes to the presentation of LUX Film Days project activities at the current edition of the Swedish festival

Barely a week before the awards ceremony for the sixth edition of the LUX Prize in Strasbourg, this European Parliament initiative continues its tour of different European cities. The three finalist films (Miguel Gomes's Tabu [+see also:
film review
interview: Miguel Gomes
interview: Miguel Gomes
film profile
from Portugal, Bence Fliegauf's Just the wind [+see also:
film review
interview: Bence Fliegauf
film profile
from Hungary, and Andrea Segre's Shun Li and the Poet [+see also:
film review
interview: Andrea Segre
interview: Andrea Segre
film profile
) were screened this week at the Stockholm Film Festival, as part of a series of activities that the European Parliament is promoting at the current edition of the Scandinavian festival .

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At a screening of the Italian film yesterday in Stockholm, European parliamentarian Carl Schlyter and producer Eric Hemmersdorf, who was also nominated last year for the LUX Prize with Play [+see also:
film review
interview: Ruben Östlund
interview: Ruben Ostlund
film profile
, took part in a brief debate. During his intervention, Schlyter emphasised the European Parliament's commitment to creation and cultural promotion towards depicting European identity, a complex and constantly changing identity. It's an institutional commitment that should however not affect the film sector's independence: "Politicians are not those to decide which films should be made and which ones not, which films receive funding and which ones don't."

Hemmersdorf, on his part, stressed that the LUX Prize is based on a firm democratic conviction and that it offers an exceptional opportunity for the international distribution of modest projects, as it ensures that all three finalist films are translated into the 23 official languages of the 27 member states of the European Union.

Another of the activities promoted by the European Parliament was a seminar titled, "The power is yours!", moderated by journalist Andrea Reuter with the participation of filmmakers Yael Perlov, Pini Tavger, Penny Vozniak, and Ninja Thyberg.

(Translated from Spanish)

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