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Bodo Kox passes the “off” barrier with Girl from the Wardrobe


- The winner of many prizes in Polish “off” cinema festivals, the cult director finally makes his way into traditional theatres

As a filmmaker much appreciated by a large circle of fans for his independent productions and the winner of many prizes in Polish “off” cinema festivals, Bodo Kox  finally enters the traditional network of cinemas today with the release of his first “professional” feature film: Girl from the Wardrobe [+see also:
interview: Bodo Kox
film profile
. The cast features Piotr Glowacki (80 Millions), Wojciech Mecwaldowski (Loving [+see also:
film review
film profile
) and a newcomer to the screen, Magdalena Rozanska.

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Bodo Kox explains that "it is a very simple story, an original love story between original characters”. The protagonists are two brothers: Jacek (Glowacki) and Tomek (Mecwaldowski). The former takes care of the second who suffers from the “savant syndrome” (ed.: a rare disease associating limitations linked to development problems with prodigious capacities in certain areas) and the actor has already been compared by the Polish press to Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. Magda (Rozanska), a girl who rarely leaves her home, lives just across from the brothers’ apartment. In fact, all three characters are, in some ways, alienated: Jacek is introverted, Tomek struggles with his illness and Magda chooses solitude because she does not like people very much, locks herself up in her apartment and likes to spend time in her closet.

"It is a film about solitude, alienation and the need for love," says the director. "Loneliness is a disease of our time. Often, people are well educated, they have everything and nothing is missing except for that other person. We live surrounded by people, we have everything we need to make contact with others, but in fact, we have no one close to us, except a cat, a cell-phone or a TV screen”. 

Produced by WFDiF in association with Canal+Girl from the Wardrobe has benefitted from funding from the Polish Film Institute. Arkadiusz Tomiak (Manhunt [+see also:
film profile
) was in charge of cinematography and the film's distribution is handled by Kino Swiat.

(Translated from French)

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