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A petition to save the Portuguese Film Museum


- The signatories ask for the future of the Film Museum to be discussed in Parliament and for the latter to ensure the constant funding of the institution via a normative framework

A petition to save the Portuguese Film Museum

Director José Carlos de Oliveira and socialist politician Marcos Sá launched a petition to defend the Portuguese Film Museum, whose critical financial situation could lead to its closure in September, as announced last week by the institution’s director, Maria João Seixas (read the info).

After the desperate public declarations of Maria João Seixas, the Secretary of State for Culture Jorge Barreto Xavier assured that the activities of the Film Museum would not be suspended, but he did not announce any specific measures to prevent it from closing.

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The petition demands that the future of the Film Museum be discussed by Parliament and for parliamentarians to put in place a normative framework to ensure the sustainable funding of the institution.

“We realize that the government, responsible for the protection of national archives, has offered no solution to a problem of which it was aware,” the petition explains.  

The Film Museum’s budget is not dependent on the state’s budget, but on the 4% of profits emanating from the broadcasting of television advertising which are distributed to the entire audiovisual sector. The substantial decrease in advertising on television as a result of the economic crisis thus had an alarming effect of the Museum’s resources.  

To sign the petition for the defence of the Portuguese Film Museum, click here.

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(Translated from French)

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