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UK – Morocco coproduction treaty comes into force


- The terms of agreement were negotiated by the British Film Institute and the Centre Cinématographique Marocain

UK – Morocco coproduction treaty comes into force

The UK and Moroccan Governments have ratified a coproduction treaty signed in 2009, the terms of which were negotiated by the British Film Institute (BFI) and Centre Cinématographique Marocain (CCM), the National Cinema Agency of Morocco. Productions that qualify under the terms of the treaty will be able to access the benefits of national status in each country. In Morocco these include tax incentives, while in the UK, qualifying productions will be able to access the UK’s Film Tax Relief and apply to the BFI Film Fund, the UK’s largest public film fund with a current allocation of £22 million per annum.

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UK Culture Minister Ed Vaizey said, “The treaty recognises the wonderful collaborative relationship that already exists between the creative industries of the UK and Morocco, as well as putting in place strong financial incentives to boost film production in both nations. It will help drive economic growth by further increasing the already huge contribution the creative industries make to the UK economy.”

CCM Director General Nour-Eddine Sail said, “Our intention is to expand this ambition into the area of TV production too so that content producers for high end television also gain from the cultural exchange and financial benefits.”

BFI Chief Executive Amanda Nevill said, “British filmmakers, from David Lean through to Christopher Nolan, have long since looked to Morocco for its stunning landscapes and substantial production infrastructure. This treaty will be a catalyst to grow opportunities to pool creative and financial resources and foster a deeper sense of collaboration.”

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