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Julian Assange to serve on Raindance jury


- 21st edition of festival to feature over 300 films from 50 countries as well as the UK’s first ever Web Fest, dedicated to web series

Julian Assange to serve on Raindance jury

The 21st annual Raindance Film Festival (September 25 – October 6) announced its full line-up on Tuesday but the programme announcement was overshadowed by the revelation that Julian Assange (photo) will serve on the jury. The Wikileaks founder has been sequestered in the Ecuadorian embassy since June 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden where the police want to question him on sexual assault allegations. If extradited to Sweden, Assange is of the opinion that he will be extradited in turn to the US where he could be questioned for revealing US military secrets on Wikileaks. Assange will fulfil his juror duties from within the confines of the Ecuadorian embassy.

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The programme itself is a grab bag of the best of independent cinema across the world and features more than 300 films from 50 countries. British selections include Charlie Cattrall’s Titus, Alan Ereira’s Aluna, Jan Fairbairn’s Soho Cigarette, Keri CollinsConvenience, Tom Petch’s The Patrol, Floris Ramaekers’ Sleeping Dogs, Caradog W. James’ The Machine, Adam Tysoe’s Dirtymoney, Richard Jobson’s Wayland’s Song, Anthony Woodley’s Outpost 11 and Martin Gooch’s The Search For Simon, amongst many others.

2013 sees the addition of the UK’s first ever Web Fest – a dedicated web series festival on September 28 and 29. The Web Fest will feature panel discussions, with subjects covering audience development, lessons from YouTubers, product placement and branding, and future of web TV. There will also be world premiere screenings, including Producing Juliet, the latest from Tina Cesa Ward, whose previous series Anyone But Me captured over 11 million views.

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