A year of growth for the Apulia Film Commission
- 56 films made (+51% compared with 2012), €10 million in terms of impact on the ground (+161%), 747 days of work (+99%)
The year 2013 is coming to a good close for the Apulia Film Commission, with growth in every single sector: from national productions to international ones made in Apulia, activities involving cinema hubs and filmmaking circuits.
In 2013, the AFC supported 56 film projects among which 19 feature length films, 8 documentaries, 10 shorts, 2 television series, 8 television shows, 1 web series, 5 video clips, 1 web movie and 2 advertising spots, which involved all six Apulia provinces. But 2013 was also a year of opening in terms of “innovative products” with financing for alternative formats like the first web film La Santa, out of competition during the last Rome Festival (read the review).
The Apulia Film Commission also diversified the types of products it financed this year, supporting independent cinema from Italy and abroad. One example is Spring, a genre feature length directed by two young American directors considered horror film emerging talents. Support was also given to Holiday, a British mega-production of 10 million pounds and low budget production Three way week by Bruno Coppola.
During this year’s activities, the impact on the ground generated from audiovisual productions was equivalent to €10.5 million with spending amounting to €2.5 million for an increase of 161% compared to 2012. Work days (747) went up by 99%compared to the previous year.
Cinema and cultural activities in the ports of Bari and Lecce and from the regional Apulia media centre (Mediateca Regionale Pugliese) brought in 30,000 spectators, over 90 days of cinema pre-production, 150 or so cultural events, including the Yalla Shebab Festival, a cinema event for new talent from the Arab world. Through the filmmaking circle (Circuito D’Autore), films and programmes were offered in 21 cinemas across the region, with 150 independent films shown as well as international guests attending.
In 2013, AFC partnered up with Enter Europe, the on-going training programme by MEDIA, which supports the European audiovisual sector and Euro Screen, a European project lasting three years financed by INTERREG IVC, which seeks to combine best practices from cinema tourism. Through use of EU funds, AFC has financed a number of festivals (Bif&ST, Festa del Cinema del Documentario - Reale and the Festival IMake), the coproduction forum for the Mediterranean region (Forum di Co-produzione del Mediterraneo) and the screenwriting workshop Puglia Experience.
(Translated from Italian)
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