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Creative Europe programme launches in the UK


- Now 9% more funding available to creative businesses across Europe to support, amongst others, the distribution of over 1,000 European films in 2,500 cinemas

Creative Europe programme launches in the UK

Creative Europe, the European Commission’s seven-year funding programme for the cultural and creative sectors, which came into force on January 1, has launched in the UK today with the glad tidings that now, 9% more funding is available to creative businesses across Europe. Creative Europe has a €1.46 billion budget over seven years. It combines the European Commission’s existing Culture and MEDIA Programmes and is expected to benefit over 300,000 cultural professionals and reach 100 million European citizens. It will support the distribution of over 1,000 European films in 2,500 cinemas and will translate 5,500 books.

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The programme features a new bank guarantee, the Cultural and Creative Sectors Guarantee Fund, which will be introduced in 2016. The fund is worth €121million. In the UK, the programme will be delivered through a partnership between the British Film Institute (BFI) and the British Council. Creative Europe Desk UK is a new information and advice service to promote Creative Europe in the UK, replacing the former MEDIA Desk UK and Antennae and the UK Cultural Contact Point. 

Michel Magnier, Director for Culture and Creativity at the European Commission, comments: “The UK’s audio-visual industry brings to Europe a wealth of talent and professionalism, with filmmakers who are cherished across the continent and indeed the world, Mike Leigh, Ken Loach, Stephen Frears, Clio Barnard to mention just a few. I am excited to see how Creative Europe can play its role in supporting these vibrant sectors and help to inspire fruitful partnerships and collaboration with professionals across the rest of Europe, and beyond.”

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