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FESTIVALS Italy / Canada

Martone, Munzi and Costanzo: from Venice to Toronto


- The Venetian competition’s Italian selection will be hosted in full by the Canadian festival (4-14 September)

Martone, Munzi and Costanzo: from Venice to Toronto
Il giovane favoloso by Mario Martone

The Venetian competition’s Italian selection will arrive at the Toronto International Film Festival (4-14 September) in full: Il giovane favoloso [+see also:
film review
interview: Mario Martone
film profile
by Mario Martone and Anime nere [+see also:
film review
interview: Francesco Munzi
film profile
 by Francesco Munzi will feature in the Contemporary World Cinema section; while Hungry Hearts [+see also:
film review
interview: Saverio Costanzo
film profile
by Saverio Costanzo will have its overseas premierein Special Presentations.

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This is perhaps the first time that Italian films in competition at the Venice film festival are being hosted en bloc at the North American festival. In addition to these titles is Senza nessuna pietà [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Michele Alhaique which from Horizons is landing in Discovery, the Toronto Festival section dedicated to new discoveries. In the brand new competition section devoted to international shorts an invitation has been extended to Persefone by Grazia Tricarico, formerstudent of the film direction course at the Experimental Cinema Centre in Rome. The other short film selected, San Siro by Yuri Ancarani, will feature in the Wavelengths section, the meeting point of documentaries, movies and video art.

TIFF Docs will feature Natural Resistance [+see also:
film profile
by Jonathan Nossiter, and the first two episodes of the TV series Gomorra by Stefano Sollima will also be screened in Special Presentations. The series will be distributed in the US by Weinstein Company. 

Selections by Toronto Festival Director, Piers Handling, are organised by Istituto Luce Cinecittà, which together with the ICE office in Toronto will be following the artistic delegation and the various related events during the festival.

(Translated from Italian)

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